Mogressive Coaching

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Flipping Negative Thoughts Into Positive Goals

Apply Aristotle’s First Principle’s thinking, and remove the emotion when generating solutions

- Mogressive Coaching

Our minds roughly go through this 3 step process when we think of our fears.

Our thoughts gravitate towards the negative outcomes right away. Then, our imaginations start painting those thoughts into vivid “what if” scenarios.

Naturally, leading us physically to stay away from those fears. This outcome not only reinforces our fears, but creates more negative bad habits for your future.

  1. Thoughts→negative = negative thoughts 

  2. Imagination→negative = creating more fears

  3. Physical action→negative outcome= never leaving comfort zone

Coaching Tip | Start thinking positive, it’ll have a snowball effect on your imagination and physical actions

Start monitoring your daily thoughts, and catch yourself when you start thinking negatively. You can recognize it or “catch it” when you catch yourself in a downward spiral during one of your “What if” scenarios are your mind is 5 stories deep taking your through a mental/emotional rollercoaster.

The sooner you begin taking more ownership of your thoughts, and fiilter out those negative thoughts. The sooner you will begin to see change within you, and around you. Self commitment leads to self confidence. Start trusting yourself again, and follow through with your decisions. no more “what if’s” before making a decision. Trust yourself and reflect on the outcomes afterwards.

Use the “what if” scenario ONLY after completing a task or action, never before.

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I Never Know Where to Start, when trying to solve my fears/anxieties.

I get asked this question very ofthen, and its a great question to ask, or to surrender too. When it comes to solving any problem in life there are only two starting points of reference. The beginning or the End.

WTF does that mean!?

Just like breaking down our goals, we can start from the beginning or the end results. forward engineering or reverse engineering as we call it here at mogressive coaching. When overcoming fear, focus on the end results and work backwards from there. “I don’t want to feel sad” for example. Thats perfect! now you know how you don’t want to feel, what would that plan look like? if you knew it was going to lead you feeling sad? Start writing out each step of how it would make you sad. then, start solving all those objections. If you knew, I had to take a right turn but I turned left. You can go back now and mentally correct that step. Start correcting every step that would have been a sad or negative result. Lay out each step then go back and correct/change each step to what you want to feel. You are starting to begin to take ownership of your life now, start taking ownership of your thoughts, imagination, and physical actions. everyday, every second.

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Use this method & exercise to overcome fear & problem solving

What's a negative Fear I currently have?—> “Stepping out of my comfort zone”

  1. Be more specific “stepping out of my comfort zone” Where? at home work, school, friends, family, community, gym, my mind?

  2. Lets pick one even more specific—>”finding my next client” is a big fear of mine every month (Used to be, not anymore)

  3. Start listing all the positive objections, for example:

    Positive Turn-a-rounds

    1. I get to use that free time for an online course while in search of my next client.

    2. I get to use that free time to expand my online marketing & brand awareness.

    3. I can use this time to follow up on past clients- Major takeaways or improvements.

    4. I get to build my next eBook, course, template, exercise, etc

    5. Brainstorming time to focus and plan out my next 3, 6, 8 months

    6. I get to spend time with friends/family due to high client volume in the past.

    7. I can reflect back the last 5 months since it was “go, go, go” building behavioral/emotional patterns of myself.

    Negative Turn-a-round

    1. I didn’t have time for any of that stuff listed above!

    2. I didn’t realize how important time management really is/was.

Once you start developing this type of mindset, it naturally forces-out all the negative habits of negative thinking naturally overtime, with constant awareness of your thoughts, and repetition.

once you can flip a negative “What if” into a positive turn-a-round you’ll begin building and restoring your confidence to conquer anything you want in this world!

Not only is exercise good for your body, it can also help improve memory, increase focus, and sharpen your mind.

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