Mogressive Coaching

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8 Tips to get your life back! | Self Improvement

8 tips to get your life back

1.Set small attainable goals

Write down your goals everyday, every morning. Writing down your goals increases your chances of accomplishing them by 33%. 

2.Like-Minded People

surround yourself with people who fit your future, not your past. 

“Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future” - Dan Pena

3.Working vs Not working

Reflect and analyze why you have positive and negative habits. Which do you have more of in one day? Reflect, adjust, execute. 

4.Brain Simulation

Learn a new skill. Brush your teeth with the opposite hand. Step outside your comfort zone mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually. 

5.Clean Body, Clear Mind

We all know how bad  cheap-processed foods are. Feed your body with “Healthy Nutrients” and feed your mind with “Healthy Vibrations”

6.Law of Gratitude

 “Results run parallel with gratitude” - Mogressive Coaching 

When In doubt about your mind, body, or goals. Shine the light off of you for a sec. And shine it bright on someone or something else. It will bring you back to your default setting. The Natural you and it’ll realign your mind with your Purpose and Passions. Gratitude Baby!


Have a clear outlook on your: Mission, Vision, Passion, Purpose, Strengths, & Weaknesses. It will lead to a strong Self Awareness foundation. So You’ll know exactly what mindset to be in, per environment. 


When you physically move your body, it changes the chemistry in your brain. Ultimately molding a creative mindset to achieve anything you want from this world. 

“It always starts and ends with you, Change is Temporary”

People who make self-improvement a priority tend to have higher self-esteem and are also more resilient.


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Morfett Flores