Mogressive Coaching

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Develop | Learn | Grow | MOGRESSIVE COACHING - eBook

Passion, Purpose, & Effortless Discipline - MOGRESSIVE COACHING

"Your past doesn't define you, but everything up til-now is your fault" - Mogressive Coaching

Make a decision and not only trust yourself but trust the process through patience and visualization. (In chapter One we go over Vision Boards, Goal setting, and visualization techniques).

You have the Power! You have 2 Powers! The first, Power of Choice. You can choose today to start making changes to your sub-par life! Its cost $0.00 to be grateful for what you currently have. You have the choice to choose what you really want out of life and no one nor one thing can stop you mentally.

The Second…The power of reaction, “never react emotionally, react professionally.” never let any one person know what you’re thinking bro. Nor should they have that right. How you react to life’s emotional rollercoaster will dictate your direction or outcome in life.

We only have 2 emotions, Positive and Negative. The rest are a mixture of feelings, such as: happy, sad, upset, excited, surprised, etc...

We can live our lives through discipline, or we could live our lives through regret. The best part, if you take ownership of every aspect of your life, that choice becomes easier and easier.

It's hard to shake off a habit since it takes an average of 66 days before a new habit takes root in our brain

“Do we develop courage before facing our fears? or is courage generated after we face our fears? Either way, it’s a dip, both mentally and physically into the unknown.” - Mogressive Coaching

Getting into this type of mindset or critical thinking “mode” questions your Habitual reality. One of the first Mogressive steps is getting to know yourself. Ask why!? Ask all the Why’s in life. For example, why don’t I have time, why can’t I lose those extra pounds, why can’t I find companionship, why did I react that way, why am I not as successful as I would like to be, why do I hate my J-O-B and so forth…


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Morfett Flores