Mogressive Coaching

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Becoming a Good Friend

A Path to Self-Awareness & Growth

In Today's Society, Do You Feel We Have Enough Good People? Why Can't I or You Be the One? What Resistance Comes Into Play in the Mind When Friendships Like This Cross Our Paths?

In today's fast-paced world, it sometimes feels like there aren't enough good people around. We see a lot of negativity online and in the news. However, there are many kind and good people out there. The challenge is often in recognizing them and being open to forming meaningful connections.

Why can't I or you be the one? Often, it's because we don't believe in our own ability to make a difference. Self-doubt and fear can stop us from reaching out and being the friend someone else needs.

Friendship is one of the most valuable parts of life. A good friend can change your life in many positive ways. Take Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, whose friendship not only led to the creation of Apple but also supported their personal journeys. Look at Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim - Co-founders of YouTube, their collaboration created the world's largest video-sharing platform, which was later acquired by Google. These examples show that deep, supportive friendships are possible and incredibly impactful.

But the real question is how do we become that good friend for others and ourselves? Let's break down some important questions and ideas to help us understand this better.

What resistance comes into play? There are several barriers:

  • Fear of Rejection: We're afraid that others won't accept us or that we'll be hurt.

  • Lack of Time: Busy schedules make it hard to invest time in building and maintaining friendships.

  • Past Experiences: Bad experiences with past friendships can make us hesitant to try again.

To overcome these barriers, we need to be self-aware. Understanding our fears and the reasons behind them can help us take steps to move past them. Setting long-term goals for personal growth and valuing kindness, empathy, and patience can guide us in becoming better friends.

As a Friend, Do I Have to Be in a Better Position in Life to Give Advice?

No, you don't have to be in a better position to give advice. Good advice comes from genuine care and shared experiences, not from a place of superiority. Here’s why:

  • Shared Experiences: Your experiences, even if they're not perfect, can offer valuable lessons.

  • Empathy and Understanding: Being a good listener and showing empathy is often more helpful than having all the answers.

  • Supporting Each Other: Friendship is about supporting each other through ups and downs. Sometimes just being there is enough.

Having strong values, principles, and morals helps. When you base your advice on these, it’s more likely to be well-received and meaningful.

How Do I Start Becoming a Good Friend to Others and Towards Myself?

Becoming a good friend starts with self-awareness and a commitment to personal growth. Here are some simple steps:

  1. Be Kind to Yourself: Practice self-compassion. When you treat yourself well, you’re more likely to treat others well too.

  2. Listen Actively: Pay attention when your friends talk. Show that you care by really listening and understanding their feelings.

  3. Be Reliable: Keep your promises and be there when your friends need you. Reliability builds trust.

  4. Show Empathy: Try to understand things from your friend's perspective. Empathy strengthens bonds.

  5. Communicate Honestly: Be honest, but also kind. Share your thoughts and feelings openly.

  6. Support and Encourage: Celebrate your friends' successes and support them through challenges. Your encouragement can make a big difference.

  7. Reflect on Your Actions: Regularly think about how you can improve as a friend. Aim to live by values like kindness, patience, and integrity.

How Mogressive Can Help You Be the One

At Mogressive, we believe in the power of one friendship to change lives. Our 6-week course is designed to help you develop the skills and mindset needed to become the friend you aspire to be. Through lessons on self-awareness, setting long-term goals, and living by strong values, our program guides you in creating meaningful connections and becoming a supportive, reliable presence in the lives of others.

Join us at Mogressive to start your journey towards being the one who makes a difference. By investing in yourself, you can transform your friendships and your life.

Friendship is a powerful force that can change lives. By being aware of our own actions and striving to live by strong values and principles, we can become the friends that others need and also support our own growth and happiness.