Mogressive Coaching

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How to Design Your Life (Passion-Strength-Purpose-Weaknesses)

4 for the Core

Today's exercise is really cool, you get to reflect on your life, and really dig deep and pull out all of your passions, strengths, weaknesses, and purposes in life. There’s no rush, take your time, and really reflect on your past, present, future life experiences.

The way I would like for you to use this template is LIST. Try listing off all of your traits and attributes in the text boxes below. Hopefully You uncover some hidden talents!

Below you will find:

  1. The 4 For the Core template.

  2. Download it - Complete it - Reflect on it with the questions provided below.

  3. Only answer the questions after listing 7 per section.

  4. I provided examples below on how to complete each section


You can develop, uncover and refine your personal passions. Some of my personal passions are: Pizza, Soccer, 3D Modeling, Marketing, Digital Creating, Family, My Businesses, Learning, Exploring, Loki my Dog!


  • Make a list of all the things you love right now to get started.

  • Explore what you enjoy about these activities, for example why do you like reading?

  • What are your interests and how are they different from others?


  • Discover what topics interest you the most to start with.

  • Look for patterns in your interests. (What topics have been popping up again and again?)


  • Once you have uncovered some of your interests, think about how they fit into a bigger picture in terms of what you choose to learn or do as part of a hobby, career or life goal!


Once you have uncovered some of your interests, think about how they fit into a bigger picture in terms of what you choose to learn or do as part of a hobby, career or life goal!

The first step to developing oneself is to uncover the personal purpose. What is your purpose in life? Why are you here? What do you want to accomplish? These are all important questions that need answers. Once one has a sense of their personal purpose, they can start creating a plan for life that is tailored and specific to them instead of following the herd.

Its important to develop a sense of self-awareness. Identifying personal purpose will help a person figure out what drives them and what gives their life meaning.

We should never be ashamed of our personal purpose or our dreams, no matter how lofty or farfetched they may be.

After reflecting on my own personal life, I just realized that one of my main purposes in life is to lead. I’ve been a leader since middle school (took me a long time to think back that far haha.) and never looked back.

Soccer- I was always the captain

Engineering- always lead designer

Military - even bigger leader

School - used leadership skills to pass classes

Business - I own 2 businesses

Community - Founded & ex Chairman of the Student Veteran Endowment

Family/Friends - Leading my family to generational legacy baby!


Develop your personal strengths. Most people don't know what their strengths are. They think they are average, and some people even believe they have weaknesses. Most of us find our strengths because somebody helps us see them, or we grow into them over time.

When you identify your personal strengths, you’ll have the opportunity to use them in every situation you face. The more you do that, the stronger and more confident you'll feel about yourself! And when others see you using your strengths, they will be impressed and drawn to what makes you special.

You’ve never accomplished something great without confidence. Really dive into both, your personal & professional lives. What are your strengths?

The first step is discovering and celebrating one's strengths. With this momentum established, it becomes possible for you to develop those strengths. The next step is identifying where your weaknesses are and see how you can use your strengths in order to compensate for them.

In order to be fulfilled in one's work and do something that has a deep meaning for one, it is important to know what one's personal strengths are.

It is important to know where your own strengths are so that you can take advantage of them and make use of them in your profession. Discovering your own strength will lead you to a path of fulfillment and good satisfaction with the work that you do.


Develop: In order to become a better person, we need to start acknowledging and understanding our personal weaknesses. Once we understand what causes these weaknesses, we can then work towards improving them and turning that weakness into a strength.

Uncover: The first step in improving a weakness is to acknowledge its existence. Once you’ve done that, you need to figure out what causes it. Personal weaknesses might be viewed as a negative trait, but it can also be an opportunity for growth. We call weaknesses, Unfamiliar Strengths - More than likely, personal weaknesses are shared with others in the same field and the exposure of the weakness can be a learning experience for others. Knowing that there are other people in the world who share your experiences is liberating. -

Learning about these areas of vulnerability or ignorance helps you to figure out how to improve and grow into a better version of yourself. The more you learn about yourself, your weaknesses, and the people who have similar experiences to your own, the easier it is to change or grow into a better version of yourself.

Personal weakness can be viewed as an opportunity for growth because it's a chance for you to learn about yourself and make improvements.

See this social icon list in the original post

Questions to ask yourself to develop your own set of morals/values/beliefs.

By setting these up, you’ll begin to understand why or when to say “yes” or “no” to people. 

  • Why am I attending College? Who am I attending college for? 

  • What makes me happy/sad/upset/confident?

  • Why are you the BEST & why will people succeed with you?

  • What would you say are your greatest Strengths (personal & professional)?

  • What topic can you give a 30minute speech on, without preparation? 

  • Does courage lead to self confidence?

  • What are 5 things you want from life but found excuses for?

  • What are my personal values/morals/ethics? When do I say yes or no?

  • Does my behavior and attitude change on Monday  mornings?

  • What are 5 things I am grateful for?

  • Do I want to struggle the rest of my life?

  • What are my natural talents? What talents/skills do I want to learn and why?

  • Is school forever or just for a few weeks at a time?

  • Do I have the mindset for school?

  • What are my passions/purpose in life/strengths/weaknesses

See this form in the original post