Mogressive Coaching

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How to Be Better Than Yesterday: Post Covid-19

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It doesn’t matter how old you are. If you want to change something about yourself- you have to learn something about yourself.

There's something different about life, post covid-19. What is it?

ITS OPPORTUNITY FOR KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER. Its opportunity for personal growth and development. I’m not here to talk about your past and how or where you fucked up. You already know that reality. Why replay what we already know? That’s one of the factors contributing to your current situation, position, or unmotivation in life. You’ve surrounded yourself mentally, physically, & emotionally w/familiarity. Everything in your life is familiar. Thinking your in control, when you’re actually just side stepping & that’s no Bueno for your confidence, performance, nor your self esteem or resilience. You’ve surrounded yourself w/ a certain standard You’ve surrounded yourself w/complacency.

Your here and I’m here for KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER. Some of your strengths are my weaknesses, and some of my strengths are your weaknesses.

Listen to this quote,

”Your past doesn’t define you, but everything up till now is your fault”

Your life is about to start or restart Like I said bro, i’m here to transfer knowledge to you. I want you to know, there are like minded people out there. Who support one another. Just like my brothers and sisters in arms. I don’t want to see you fail the rest of your life. I failed in my past life. And the worst part, that reality, that reality could have been the rest of my life. That’s the scary part. And I don’t want you to fall victim to those limited beliefs about the true nature of life & vibration. Once you become aware. Aware of your emotional intelligence, self awareness, and resilient against negativity, you start to feel the sensation of being in control again,  filtered through perception. Backed by your habits, goals, and aspirations.

 There's no going back to your old life. The knowledge transferred to you, doesn’t allow your mind to block that shit out anymore with distractions, alcohol, depression, anxiety, isolation, or negative emotional thoughts. Once you realize it was’t about anything out there, it was about whats going on in here, the mind, and in here, the heart. You have to accept that quote i mentioned earlier, “your past doesn’t define you, but everything up till now is your fault” That quote forces you to reflect and look back at that person in the mirror and forces you to self check yourself.

When was the last time you listed out all your goals, strengths, weaknesses, passions, morals, and purpose in life? Its called mind sculpting and yeah we teach you through mogressive. Exactly how to mapp out all of those thoughts, emotions, and questions you have noodling up there.

 " Before you let your imagination wander with that last question, I'm going to get in your face for a second."

Playing the victim of our own lives is the #1 fallback excuse why were not in a better position in life than the one were currently in. Like I said surrounding yourself with familiarity Its a negative not a positive It used to hold me back Its holding you back right now from unfamiliar strengths. That you call weaknesses. Its holding you back from happiness that you’ve only felt in your dreams. Its holding you back from goals that look unrealistic right now. Its holding you back from falling in love, with yourself. This is the perfect time to shift What used to work before, only works 60% of the time now. But its validation that your growing, learning, and adapting to whatever life throws at you. see how I flipped that negative into a positive. Find that W no matter how your feeling. The stress is picking up Remind that brain of yours, who’s in charge. Condition the mind. Time to ask yourself, can I improve or become resourceful to reduce stress in all aspects of my life. Start with writing down a list of everything that’s stressing you out. Those are called your “objections” Then, prioritize the list from most stressful to least stressful. Now, you know exactly what is stressing you out on paper, not just what you might think is stressing you out. Next, start coming up with a game plan to attack all of your objections from the list. Now you just created Solutions for all of your objections in life. Those are clues, hints, indicators on how to reduce or eliminate the stress one by one. Start reflecting back to all your life experiences, when was the last time you were this stressed out? If this is the worse it’s ever been..good. Now you can use this exact moment for a future “stressful moment” and how you got through this. Was it just speaking my mind on paper? Was it talking to someone? Maybe someone who’s gone through stress like this before. Life will force you to be uncomfortable. For a little bit. Its a sacrifice you have to make. But how bad do you want to get rid of stress?

Remember, sacrifice is temporary with the right mindset. 

Create self urgency and force everything in you life to bend to the beat of your rhythm.

You need to be mentally and emotionally bigger and stronger than your fears, anxieties, and stressors in life.

Answer this questions:

  • When was the last time you listed out all your goals, strengths, weaknesses, passions, morals, and purpose in life?

Write this affirmation down:

Your past doesn’t define you, but everything up till now is your fault

See this form in the original post