Mogressive Coaching

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Why Uncovering Your Personal Values and Morals is Crucial for Millennials

How to Identify and Define Your Personal Values and Morals

This blog post will explore the significance of knowing your personal values and morals as a millennial, and provide guidance on how to identify and define them. We'll delve into the role that personal values and morals play in decision making, and offer tips on how to align your actions with your values and morals. Additionally, we'll discuss common challenges that millennials may face in living by their personal values and morals, and offer strategies for overcoming them. By the end of this post, you'll have a better understanding of your inner compass and how to use it to navigate your way through life's choices.

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, it can be difficult for millennials to navigate their way through life's choices and challenges. That's why uncovering and defining personal values and morals is so important.

As a millennial, you're faced with countless choices and decisions on a daily basis.

  • Whether it's deciding on a career path

  • Navigating relationships

  • Making ethical choices

  • Work/life balance

    It can be overwhelming to navigate your way through life's challenges. That's why uncovering and defining your personal values and morals is so important. Your values and morals serve as your inner compass, guiding you toward what's truly important and helping you make decisions that align with your authentic self.

But how do you identify and define your personal values and morals? It can be a daunting task, but it's worth the effort.

Start by reflecting on what matters most to you. What do you stand for? What principles guide your behavior? Consider your upbringing, your cultural background, and your life experiences. Think about the people who have had a positive influence on you, and the qualities they embody. Write down your thoughts and feelings, and look for patterns or themes that emerge.

Have you ever felt lost or uncertain about your purpose in life? 

Maybe you're unsure of your career after covid 19, or maybe you're struggling to make a decision that aligns with your values and morals. Just side stepping in life. Well, it might be time to tap into your inner compass that internal self awareness. And self awareness can be broken down into two categories, internal and external..were only touching on your internal awareness though.. 

One way to uncover your inner compass, that internal awareness is to reflect on your life experiences. What moments in your life felt the most meaningful or that really touched your heart? I know for myself is sharing all my knowledge, wisdom, life experiences. If you know a little bit about me, I have a lot of peaks and valleys in life and I could’ve lived the rest of my life in those valleys those dips and struggles and I did for while and the scary thing is that, that could have been the rest of my life. Not knowing the true natures of life and the true nature of self happiness. Stress free, worry free, and living confidently. Thats why I’m here, to tell you, show you, that theres so much more life out there. 

Its just that we get caught up sometimes and our values and morals slowly fade away and evaporate. Its ok though it happens to all of us, but once your aware of all that noise, distractions, social urgencies. You realize your life matters. You life  matters more than anything else. My dad has told me this since i was a kid, “you can’t help others unless you help yourself first” and at first tha might sound a little selfish but, its not if you have values and morals. Those  morals and values change the lens of life for you and the people you love and want to create positive memories with. It allows you to see the long term effect. It allows you to plan long term goals. And it allows you to begin writing your own legacy. We’ve been conditioned to what were told, but hows that working out? Its time to live for you, by you, own your terms, based on the things you value and cherish.

Let me share a quick story about Alexander the Great, Alexander the Great became one of the biggest rulers of ancient history and he had 3 wishes from his death bed-he was dying and had 3 wishes. Some of you are familiar with this story and if so, its pretty cool to refresh your memory about this story.

  1. I want the best doctors to carry my body alone..

  2. I want the pathway leading to my grave to be covered with all my treasures gold, silver, and precious stones 

  3. My third and last wish is that I want both my hands to be kept dangling out of my coffin.

So why would he say that, and have his generals do that?

This is what he said, its pretty cool.

“I want everybody to learn the three lessons that I have learned in my life”

  1. I want my physicians to carry my body alone because I want people to know that no doctor can cure people’s illnesses, especially when they face death. No physician or doctor is as powerful to save people from the clutch of death. So, don’t take life for granted.

  2. The reason why he wanted the pathway leading to his grave to be covered withhis treasures is because I want people to know that not even a fraction of gold will come with me. I spent my whole life chasing power and wealth. Whatever is earned in the earth remains here. I want people to realize that it is a complete waste of your life and time to run after wealth and power.

  3. I want both of my hands dangling out of my coffin because I want people to know that we came empty-handed in this world and we’ll leave empty-handed.

Thats a crazy story right? But look at what he valued and look at what morals he had?

Thats how deep and personal you have to consider when finding your values and morals in life. They have mean the world to you.

Heres one way I’ll share on how to start your creative process to get those gears turning.

  1. Start reflecting and thinking back to allll your past life experiences. The good, the bad, and everything in between. They hold valuable lessons, but now that your aware, we can filter all your life experiences, and pick and pull the good and leave bad behind.

  2. Another way to uncover your morals and values  is to reflect on your life experiences. What moments in your life felt the most meaningful? What values did those experiences align with? 

Heres a quick example, if you felt a sense of purpose while volunteering at a local shelter, its a sign that you value compassion and helping others. One of the best approaches we take here at Mogressive is to journal, meditate, pray, or go for a walk in the sun, and we really try to pinpoint your true values and what drove or led you to them. Trust me it’ll give  you a better understanding of your personal values and how they can guide your decisions in the future. Naturally exposing your morals as well.

Ok bonus one, and last one, and then I’ll close out after this. Another way to approach your values is breaking it down into your core values. here’s some common core values: honesty, integrity, compassion, and creativity. Make a list of your top five to ten core values and reflect on how they show up in your daily life. You’ll get a clear sense of what matters most to you and how you can align your actions with your values.

If you join one of our programs we do this exercise called 4 for the core. We talk about your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and purposes in life.

Listen to my Podcast where we dive deeper into learning about how to find your core values. Plus it has a cool song playing in the background that keeps you super engaged!

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