Mogressive Coaching

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Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed by the idea of having to start over again? - Without Realizing it! Keep Reading

How can we attack life out there, when we know nothing about the person in here, the heart, and up here the mind.

I know a lot of us are trying our best to become the person we know we can become, we try and try and try. But do we ever think about in order to become the new me, I have to let go of the old me. My old habits, my old mindset, my old life.

Someone once said, the most difficult journey in your life is only One and a half feet long. Do You know what it is? Its bridging the mind and heart. Making that connection has taught me about myself than public school will ever teach me. IF you want to take this journey, its going to require some outside thinking. You can’t lead with just the heart, and you can’t rely on just the mind. Its the yin and yang to your fairytale story, to your comeback story, the true you, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for, the sign, the color, the number, the day, the year, the animal, this is where you stand up 

I was having problems in the past, making permanent change. Sometimes all we know is how to bring the past into the present, but in order To make permanent change we must make personal change in the present moment. Which means leaving the past behind. One factor that stood out during my change cycle and why I was having problems “changing my life” I was approaching this new life or attacking this new life from my old life, my old habits, routines, and systems. I had to change my system, the way I thought about planning, executing, and adjusting to life. I realized what used to work for the old me, doesn’t work for the future me. These were the 6 factors that stood out that really held me back from fully developing this transformation process. It wasn’t easy, but once you can identify the little factors, you realize small hinges swing big doors and this is exactly what happened when I pinpointed these hotspots or resistors. I was resistant to change. I was too cool to change in front of my friends, cousins, co-workers, boss, and employees. I wanted to change but i didn’t want to change or upgrade my software system. I was outdated and needed an upgrade, someone or something to level me up!. To bring that self awareness. That was the moment I realized I had to sacrifice something. That something was comfort and culture. I was distracted, comfortable, and lying to myself-I’ll start tomorrow. Once you get the courage to stand up to the old you, life will start bending to the beat of your heart and future desires, and goals. And its not by coincidence, I stopped believing in coincidence after I took full ownership of my life. The harder you work, the luckier you become and that NOT by coincidence. Success is when opportunity and preparation meet, Are you prepared for thenext chapter of your life, or waiting for the next chapter of your life? Just like you being here right now, listening to this life message. Its time, time to make the necessary adjustments. Set limitations for everything and everyone, treat your time like cold hard cash, Find Value in everything you touch, see, hear, and smell. 

6 reasons why I kept starting over and how i overcame them. Only if you value your life, and the lives of the people you love and want to create positive memories with. 

  1. I thought I was ready to change. You may be trying to convince yourself to change to please others or conform to what you believe you “should” do. If you don’t want to change, accept it. Its ok, atleast you know where to start and which questions to start asking yourself, to get to the next step. I had this problem because I was just trying to please the people around me. Losing a little bit of me everyday. Take a step back and really find your purpose big enough to change. This is very common with people who say they want to quit smoking. They don’t really WANT to quit, they think they SHOULD quit. It never works. You have to want it. Stop trying, and commit. Change the vocabulary you tell yourself to more powerful-inspiring words of self wisdom. I thought I was ready to change until I got off the couch and realized its more than just getting off the couch. Its a great start, but its the first step in figuring out how to self motivate myself. One of the main factors why veterans from the military have trouble transitioning out of the military and back to regular life, is because they don’t have a new purpose, a new mission. Sleepwalking through life. How many people do you know like that?

  2. You don’t know what you want. I didn’t know what I really wanted, i thought I did. But how can we attack life out there, when we know nothing about the person in here, the heart, and up here the mind. Someone once said, the most difficult journey in your life is only One and a half feet long. Do You know what it is? Its bridging the mind and heart.  You can’t lead with one, and you can’t rely on just one. Its the yin and yang to your fairytale story, to your comeback story, Who Will YOu beee You don’t know what you really want or you’re not allowing yourself to think about what you really want because you don’t think you can have it, that you don’t deserve it. Its a mindset and that mindset starts with daily affirmations in the mirror or on the way to work, “I deserve that promotion, that car, that house, that partner, that degree, that award. Start chasing those dreams in your imagination, first thing in the mornings. So you can change that Can’t do attitude, to you know what maybe it is possible for me after all.

Here’s your first affirmation: Start mentally with hope and end physically with will. 

You’ll never feel inspired enough to follow through on change if it isn’t even what you truly want, only walk to the beat of your rhythm . Try imagining what you would want if you had no limits, no debt, and unlimited time.

3. Your dream isn’t big enough.Dreams are the fuel that drives us to achieve our goals and ambitions. But if your dreams aren't big enough, then you may not be able to reach them.Having a dream that is too small can lead to complacency, while having a dream that is too big can lead to overwhelm and anxiety. Finding the right balance between ambition and practicality. Welcome to self awareness, And you’ll be one step closer to never starting over again in life. 

4. You’re letting your fear be bigger than you. You don’t believe you can do it. You don’t trust yourself. Fear can be a powerful force that can prevent us from achieving our goals and dreams. It can keep us stuck in the same place and stop us from taking risks. But if we want to make progress in life and stopo starting over and over again in life, we must learn to overcome our fears and take action. We must learn to let our courage be bigger than our fear. This means learning why we are afraid, then learning why we should accept it, and then pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone so that we can grow and reach the future you. The future me. Heres an idea, journal today about what you want your life to look like in one year. Get super detailed. If its owning a house, what color will the front door be, who will you invite over, what will you be cooking in the kitchen, will you have a backyard, live in the city, how much do you want to pay monthly, maybe you’ll inherit a home. Who knows, well only you do. I can’t predict your future, but you can. We can live our lives through discipline or regret, the best part if you take ownership of every aspect of your life, this choice becomes easier and easier.

5. You are attached to your problem. Your ego and identity are wrapped up in your problem, and you fear that if you let go of your problem you’ll have nothing to talk about. Who would you be? Would it be better? 

6. You’re benefiting from your problem. The benefit you’re receiving from NOT changing is bigger than your perceived benefit from changing. It gives you an excuse and something to talk about. It allows you to hide deeper issues from yourself and others. What are you holding onto? How does it benefit you to NOT change? Failure no longer has to be the only option for you. take some time in self reflection and be brutally honest with yourself. We know exactly what's holding us back, and we ignore it, because it is easier. 

Its time to trade culture and comfort for freedom and awareness. 

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