Mogressive Coaching

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How to Start VISUALIZING Your Goals - Short & Long Term Goals

What if I told you that we had more control over our thoughts that transition into reality.

Forbes Magazine came out with an article and said this: 

76% of business owners feel that today their business is exactly where they envisioned it would be when they first started their vision boards. ⅔ of business owners believe that visualizing goals helps them map and develop their goals.

Goal Setting Awareness

Most of the time, we just write down a goal, but most of the time we rarely write down our goals. By simply writing down a goal on paper or on your vision boards, you increase your chances of reaching them by 42% naturally don’t believe me, believe FORBES magazine. What’s a realistic goal in your eyes that you want to achieve by the end of the week? Well write it down and listen to my top 10 ways to visualize them. So that you can reach them. Manifest them.

Albert Einstein called it conducting “thought experiments” believe it or not he actually came up with the theory of relativity while daydreaming or by visualizing his thoughts,  You and I refer this to day dreaming or using our imaginations.

This is why we journal here mogressive in all of our courses, I’m conditioning you or exposing you to different way to feel and develop your goals. Mentally, emotionally, and understanding how express creatively. This vision board stuff is used by Hardvard students, Fortune 500 Companies, and here at mogressive.

So Really soak in the process. The before, during, and after process of planing your goals, rewarding yourself after the goal, and reflecting after achieving your goals. Your building your confidence, Performance, self esteem and resilience.

 Except this time, were going to tap in to visualizing your goals through using your, Conscious-imaginatino. Were going to feed our brains by mind shifting our thoughts, emotions, feelings, and self talk empowerments to exactly what we want to start visualizing, or daydreaming about.

 It sounds funny, maybe a little uncomfortable. But rmb, how bad do you want to be in a better position then the one we are currently in? It starts with not only trusting ourselves, but feeling a little uncomfortable, it lets you know your alive, taking the wheel, taking charge of your life, your families lives,  so the people we love can be comfortable. Write this affirmation down, “ Sacrifice is temporary, only, with the right mindset.” and here are 10 ways to break that uncomfortable feeling and uncomfortable mental barrier thats been holding us  back from our true selves. Our real selves. 

5 Tips to Visualize Your Goals

Create Positive habits - Heres a quick question to find out if you have more negative thoughts, habits or positive ones. “Do you find more problems to every solution?” are you procrastinator or motivator? Habits are just like hinges on doors. Small hinges, swing ass doors. 

Start becoming truthful to yourself DO not accept excuses persuaded by you. Its your brain talking, its your brain trying to convince you to stay on the easy path of life. Bc now your trying to force your brain to get up out of bed when theres unlimited pizza all around you, thats my kryptonite. Thats a habit i’m still working on. Once you become aware of yourself you start understanding this thing called life a little more and more. Uncovering little quarks about yourself, your emotion intelligence. And your philosophy on life.

Create a routine remember a group of habits is called a routine. So while creating a new routine or modifying your routines, keep this in mind, and ask yourself, What habits are attached to this routine? Are they allowing you to visualize the over all goal or process? Once a day you should journal or visualize your future. How many times have you practiced being successful today, start with visualize it. Or go watch the secret on Netflix or email me and I’ll send you a copy.


Breaking down your schedule and prioritize your self worth. Put you first, for a few months. Everything else comes second. Family parties 2nd place, hanging out with friends in the city or on the weekends- 2nd place. Navy SEALS have this motto, “One day at a time” Break down your day, week, month, workout, time, friends, family, morning, evenings, lunch times, etc Focus on one thing, one day at a time. Try putting all your focus and attention on one task, one goal, one solution at a time. Threes a big difference between quantity and quality. And right now society is stuck in quantity, there’s too much everything which is why a lot of your friends and family members are side stepping in life. Its nobody’s fault. But listening to podcast like this one, makes you aware of your situation or environments. Just like time management, or multitasking. If your multitasking, say 10 things at once. Even if your focused just on one task, our brains are only 1/10 invested or focused bc its still thinking of the other 9 duties you have. That’s why we brain shift or mind shift, its just changing your mindset based on new information that you gathered.  How much can you accomplish at work if your only there 10% mentally? 

Writing down daily and weekly goals, put them on your vision board and every morning after making your cup of coffee. Stand in front of your VB and just mentally soak in your goals. For example, todays Monday, and your looking at a goal on Wednesday. Say you have a meeting, appt, or work that day. Start by visualizing how you’ll wake up in the morning that day knowing you have work and its not a day off. What will you start telling yourself first thing in the morning. Will breakfast be different bc of a work day? How will you get to work? What kind of day do you want to have a work? Will you interact with anyone? What outcomes do you want while at work? What type of relationship to do you want to have with your boss and co workers? See you can start visualizing all of this. Write this affirmation down, “be there 1,000 times mentally so that you only have to be there once physically” just like studying for a test, exam, or quiz. We study study study for weeks, just for one day to perform physically.

  1. Creating short term goals, to boost my self-confidence

  2. Holding on to my true values and beliefs by applying them to my life and Goals

  3. Not giving up and not giving up

  4. Thinking about what attitude or "hat" I need to put on to accomplish each task

  5. Shifting my mindset to convince myself I can do, be, and achieve anything I put my mind too

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