Mogressive Coaching

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Reducing Anxiety to Attack Fears

Conquer Your Fears with Confidence & Clarity

“By understanding and addressing the root causes of your anxiety, you can take proactive steps to reduce it and attack your fears, leading to a more fulfilling and confident life.” Mogressive Coaching

Strategies to Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety affects approximately 40 million people in the United States each year. In 2024, the leading factors contributing to this are worry and fear, which can increase your fight-or-flight response. 

Managing this flight or fight response through emotional intelligence is key. To learn more about emotional intelligence, check out Episode #76 of our podcast where we discuss signs of low emotional intelligence.

So, the COVID-19 pandemic has skyrocketed anxiety levels leading to: social isolation, missed milestones, school closures, quarantine orders, increased family stress, and decreased physical interactions. These factors contribute to psychological distress, also known as anxiety.

1. Developing a Confident Mindset

Building self-worth and taking ownership of time management are crucial. Replace negative thoughts and self-talk with positive affirmations and focused-thinking solutions. Redirect your mind to focus on positive outcomes rather than negative "what-ifs." From all my formal and informal education i’ve learned that us humans cannot function or live life based off our emotions or feelings. Those two are not factual solutions, they are irrational outcomes. One negative thought has been proven to be 10x more stronger than 1 positive thought. It's much more difficult to live authentically because we are surrounded by quick results. Sacrificing the quality of the plan and the outcomes because we want everything now-now-now..

2. Daily Goal Setting

Start with micro-goals to build confidence. What are micro goals? Write down five tasks you want to accomplish each day: one in the morning, mid-day, afternoon, and two in the evening. Review and reflect on these goals at night, and your mind will naturally feel accomplished, setting a positive tone for the next day. Try this for 3 days in a row. Micro goals hack your brain and redirect your thoughts to be focused on the “baby steps” building a barrier where your brain can’t override and overload your mind with negative “what if” thoughts. This is how you begin making changes in your daily life.

Coaching Tips

Tip #1: Start with Micro-Goals

Simple tasks like making your bed or brushing your teeth can be crossed off your list, giving your brain a rewarding sense of accomplishment. This small win can create a positive feedback loop, encouraging more positive behaviors throughout the day. Also known as breaking your daily habit loop. Check out this book called “Atomic Habits” on Amazon. It really helped me understand how habits are a daily ritual without realizing it. 

Tip #2: Addressing the Root Causes of Anxiety

Anxiety can stem from genetics, life experiences, or uncomfortable situations like trauma from our past. It's essential to understand your mindset and emotions. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and mindfulness are two effective methods for managing anxiety. I was taking CB Therapy with the VA (Veterans Affairs) to reduce my own anxiety issues. 

CBT helps identify and change negative thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors contributing to anxiety. By developing more accurate thoughts and behaviors, you can improve your overall well-being.

  • Mindfulness

Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. It helps you observe thoughts and feelings from a distance without reacting to them, preventing you from getting overwhelmed. This also helped let my guard down with myself and begin the road to trusting myself again- with my decisions and the process.

  • Meditation

Meditation, or "daydreaming," helps maintain awareness of the present moment and reduces anxiety, insomnia, poor sleep quality, chronic pain, and digestive issues. Did you know sleeping is a form of meditation? Closing your eyes and controlling your breathing, while visualizing the past, present, and future is a great way to release negative thoughts and focus on all the unlimited positive possibilities. In a way, meditation runs parallel to praying. We're all different so find the one that works best for you. The best part, there’s a solution for just about everyone and everything. Its a matter of how bad you want change.

Coach Mo’s Approach

At Mogressive, we combine these techniques into a comprehensive program tailored to your needs. Whether you're an adult looking to jumpstart your life, a veteran, or a college student, our coaching programs offer personalized strategies to help you conquer fear and anxiety, transforming your life through knowledge, revolutionary teaching methods, and the transformative power of technology.

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Engage with our programs to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. With continuous support and innovative tools, you can relearn, rewire, and retrain your brain for optimal growth.

Check out our latest blog posts, podcasts, and free resources at to dive deeper into these strategies and start your transformation journey today.

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