Mogressive Coaching

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Veterans Day Speech 2022 “Be the One”

I found what I’m truly passionate about and I only found it through my pain which I don’t want anyone to go through alone. Especially my brothers and sisters in arms.

“From PTSD, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, ringing in my ears, memory loss, survivors guilt, self isolation, depression, brain injuries, nightmares, everything and everyone triggered me at that time. That was my norm and I was tired of fighting that reality. It was a never ending book, that only I knew exactly how it ended and Sometimes we write reviews to a book we haven’t even read yet.”


Good Morning,

My name is Morfett Flores, one of the outreach reps & graduates of Operation Freedom Paws. Their motto, ”4paws, 2 feet, 1 team”  and this is my service dog Loki. Furthermore, thank you on behalf of OFP and Owner Mary Cortani, thank you for the warm invitation today.

I want to share a quick story. 

Before OFP, I had people around me who supported me, but they couldn’t offer the support I needed or the support I was searching for at the time. 

Today's theme is “be the one” 

I was tired of chasing something that I knew, that I was never going to attain in this life.. I started to understand why my brothers from the army took their own lives here back home. But at that moment, I knew thats not what I wanted, and up till this past year, I’ve lost 7 brothers from the military due to suicide from combat related war injuries. The latest one was my company commander, our captain, who was in charge of us in Afghanistan. He was my age. Took his own life in the VA parking lot. I was searching for trust when I left the military. I couldn’t find anyone I trusted enough to open up too fully or enough to really tell them what's going on or how I feel.

I was tired of explaining “how I felt” to in-take forms. I started missing the brotherhood and cohesiveness, I started to feel alone. And I’m sure alot of you can relate to this, I just wanted to be normal. Nothing more-nothing less. Just a quiet mind and a peaceful heart. So as a final effort, I reached out to OFP while I was failing community college (0.08 GPA). I have this quote or affirmation that I came up with after graduating the OFP program. Which was this. 

“Irreversible change without regret is cleansing”

Which complements today's theme or motto of  “be the one” I knew “I was the one” when you can look back at life peacefully. No remorse, no regret, no negative thoughts, emotions, or negative feelings. No self conflicts or worry. and it wasn’t until I was putting this speech together where I realized OFP and Mary Cortani “were the ones” they live up to this motto every waking day and they shined this quote on me. “Be the one”

Meeting and matching with loki changed my life. Loki is the catalyst that allows me to be here today, and to attack life confidently.

From PTSD, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, ringing in my ears, memory loss, survivors guilt, self isolation, depression, brain injuries, nightmares, everything and everyone triggered me at that time. That was my norm and I was tired of fighting that reality. It was a never ending book, that only I knew exactly how it ended and Sometimes we write reviews to a book we haven’t even read yet. And I started to feel that judgment from everyone & everything. 

Fast forward to today. I found someone I can trust.. Loki. 

I’m in graduate school now. Completed college with a 3.2 GPA.

Own a successful life coaching business now.

Give motivational speeches now.

I’m 100% Happy. Full of empathy, compassion, and wisdom.

I’m 100% Honest with myself and the people I love and the people I want to create positive memories with.

I share this affirmation with my veteran clients when breaking comfort zones. “Be uncomfortable so the people you love can be comfortable. Sacrifice is only temporary, with the right mindset.”.

I found what I’m truly passionate about and I only found it through my pain which I don’t want anyone to go through alone. Especially my brothers and sisters in arms.  

I was fighting it alone. Until I was given a hug and whisper in my ear that said, we got your back now brother, you're safe. That was inside the OFP building on my first day there. Down in San Martin.

Like I said, OFP lives up to this motto, “be the one” . They were the ones who reignited, restarted, and revamped my life and I’ve never looked back. 

“Now I’m the one”

My life before OFP sucked plain and simple. And the worst part, is that, that could have been the rest of my life. Or the end of my life. 

That's the scariest part.

So I challenge you today, this week, the remainder of the month too. 

“be the one”

Be the one, not all wounds are visible. Life can be an emotional rollercoaster at times,  A simple “hey, how's it going” to the cashier, bank teller, stranger walking by or stop by a VFW any veterans outreach services. Call a close friend or relative, someone who you haven’t spoken to in awhile, and say 

“Hey I was thinking about you the other day and wanted to see how you were doing because I care about you?”

Too close out,

I was a sergeant in the Army and I used to tell my soldiers, when you guys become sergeants, express a little vulnerability with your soldiers sometimes, it shows your care, compassion, and that they matter to you. 

“Be the one” 

Thank you. 

Written by Morfett Flores, Owner/Founder of Mogressive Coaching LLC.



Social Media @mogressive_coaching

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