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TedTalk - Self Awareness Is The Meta Skill That Lives In Your Future (Practice)

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Self Awareness is thee meta skill of the future!

Self awareness is psychology, and psychology is the rule of average based on emotions and behavior. Highly Self Aware people can recognize their emotions and filter it through emotional intelligence to decide if that's how they want to feel or why they are feeling that way. 

They can change those feelings or emotions in a matter of seconds! Wouldn’t you like to have that superpower, go from sad, mad, frustrated, to happy, determined, confident. In a split second. Its the x-factor between your growth mindset or fixed mindset.

Average thinkers are easily influenced by your emotions and behaviors and average thinking comes from low self awareness.

And you might be thinking,”How do you apply this towards your daily applications of life?”, the  “Mind.Set.Goal.” Mentality as I like to call it. . Harvard Business Review conducted a study on Malcolm Gladwell's Bestseller Outliers. They found “it takes roughly 10,000hrs to master any skill, and translates to  (about 1 year and 51 days total) or roughly 66 days to develop a new habit according to the European Journal of Social Psychology.

Self Awareness is Stage One of Three of the “Mind.Set.Goal.” mentality. One of the best optimal quotes complimenting this type of thinking or mentality is as follows: “As a coach, speaker, influencer, author, student of life..sometimes you need to feel it, hear it, or see it. Whichever path is taken, one of them will wake you up, one of them will give you that spark of inspiration, motivation, or determination-all deriving from self awareness.”

It's Always cool to know what the future might hold ahead of time, well, you heard it first here. Self Awareness is a skill that lives in the future. Dr. Tasha Eurich, notably recognized as the #1 international self awareness coach states, “95% of people think they are self-aware, but only 10-15% actually are?”

 Here are some facts about Self Awareness.Angeley Mullins, chief marketing officer and chief growth officer says, “ Brands need to connect more with the feeling that people have. It’s not just the product and what it can do for you, but it’s a feeling that is spreading through work, life, and how consumers are buying things,”  Latana.

how does that sound? Here's the icing on the cake. They even have the external self awareness, to know exactly what you think or how you portray them in your mind ALL because you haven’t unlocked the level of Self Awareness yet. Here’s the opening statement from one of amazon's marketing mission statements.

 " strives to be Earth’s most customer-centric company…"

They put their customers under the microscope, learning every detail about them. Our emotional reactions/responses, what behaviors trigger us to click on that buy button, or add to cart button. They understand the value & importance of self awareness, emotional intelligence, laws of human nature.

They put their customers under the microscope, learning every detail about them. Our emotional reactions/responses, what behaviors trigger us to click on that buy button, or add to cart button. They understand the value & importance of self awareness, emotional intelligence, laws of human nature. 

Here are some Cheat codes which lead me to our next two topics under the umbrella of self awareness. External vs Internal Self Awareness, everything out there vs. everything going on-in here. So like the example above, the top marketing agencies mastered Internal Self Awareness, everything that makes you-YOU! And they understand how to manipulate the external self awareness to get you, like, share, their post, their videos, reels, or to buy their product or service.. Which supports my definition of psychology in the beginning of this video. Average thinkers are easily influenced by your emotions and behaviors and average thinking comes from low self awareness, thats called your default settings. Just going with the flow, and saying things  like ”YOLO”....

Here's how you can decide if you have Self Awareness, really ponder and reflect on these questions: ( I also created a template that you can auto fill on under my life hacks, titled, “self awareness” and please fill free to share this with the people you love, and the people who you want to create positive memories with. )

Do you have a set of values? Morals? Beliefs? Ethics?Goals?Aspirations?inspirations?

What are your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and purposes in life?

When was the last time you sat down for 10 min and truly reflected on your life, to see why it turned out the way it did.. Where did I turn right , when I knew I should have left that relationship?

Who are you? Who were you? Who do you want to become? past/present/future

What's your mission in life? Do you have a mission in life? If you do, tell me in one sentence. What's your family's vision for the future? Generational legacy? And please don’t say Influencer. Not yet.  

Here's a free coaching tip, a lot of these answers for the questions above are hidden in your childhood, their hidden in your weaknesses, fears, and limitations. I call those, Unfamiliar strengths.

Answer these questions:

  • Do you generate courage before or after a life obstacle or fear?

  • What are your daily, weekly, hourly, monthly goals?

  • When was the last time you fully committed to your self growth, development, and self awareness?

  • Why can’t you fully put trust in yourself?

Write this affirmation down:

“ Some of my strengths are your weaknesses, and some of your strengths are my weaknesses. You have your perception, but i have my definition.”

I know it's easier to ignore ALL OF THIS, especially the negative stressors in your life currently, I also call that “Positive Stress” do you know the difference between positive and negative stress? (elaborate) Now you just became bigger than the word STRESS. Thats your first clue to taking your life back. How do I become bigger than all my problems in life? but please for now, ignore just the external factors,and focus on the distractions holding you back or slowing you down. External factors are things that happen in your life that are out of your control 100%. Don’t shove all your problems in that closet, those excuses or cop outs creating more negative-bad-habits.and what happens when you have one bad-moldy piece of fruit in the fruit bowl? It crawls to the good fruit and latches on, injecting your good habits with bad-negative mold or negative energy.

 I’ll tell you right now, once you become self aware, theres no looking back. Like I said its a skill that lives in the future and you’re getting a taste of it right now. 

Heres another affirmation you should write down and reflect on later,  “Irreversible change, without regret is cleansing- mentally, physically, emotionally, & spiritually- cleansing” 

whether you are starting or restarting your life, igniting or reigniting old passions, values, hobbies, beliefs, goals, or relationships. You have to forget about all of the outside noise. it has no influential purpose for you or personal growth & development right now. Especially if your in college - student athlete, student veteran, stem major, trade major, it doesn't matter, how bad do want to be in a better position than the one you are currently in? How bad do you want to remove stress for your lives and live of the people you love and care about.

“Sacrifice is temporary, with the right mindset and that mindset is developed through self awareness. “

It's time to open that closet, and choose one personal trait, attribute, strength, weakness, or goal to work on. The best part, there's no time limit, no right or wrong answer, the end goal has always been self happiness, self control, and self awareness. And just like jack canfield said from a documentary called, “the secret” “write a goal down and attach this with it…How much & by when” timestamping your goals keeps you self aware of the progression, direction, and determination. 

This ties into your insecurities now, Insecurities is a collection of negative self-beliefs based on your views or emotional responses of society or what people might thing about you. . 

Recognizing your own personal insecurities is part of becoming Self Aware. Grab one of your insecurities from that mental closet I just mentioned, and everything you know about that insecurity, collect all the data about that topic, why is it a fear of mine, when did I start fearing this, have I overcame a similar fear in the past?. We naturally run similar mental checks like this already, now you're just “aware”, applying “conscience-awareness” or Internal self awareness. 

Conscience-awareness or internal self awareness is equivalent to your conscious-imagination. We are all born with our imagination, just like we are born with certain passion but, its not until you take control of your imagination or feeding it, or injecting it with exactly what you want to manifest or create. If we let our imagination run wild, its going to show us all of our fears & limitations at once. Naturally leading towards a road of familiarity, which in the long run requires absolutely no thinking. 

Time to reflect back on your life, and a great tool to dive into this is to start journaling or voice recording yourself- speaking your mind on paper or through your phone. The bottom line, we call it a Mental dump, a metal cleanse, we have lots of unwanted Dark noise up there. The question remains, how do you free up space in your mind? Well start with journaling, voice memos, or deep thinking like meditation. The full breakdown is on 

Right now you're floating in life, going with the flow, reacting instead of taking action in life,  a sleepwalker as we like to call it here at mogressive. I want you to mentally & emotionally ground yourself while listening or watching this clip and really soak up all the questions I asked you today. Replay this track, take notes, write down the affirmations I shared with you. 

learn a little bit more today of who or why you are. It might wake you up, give you a bright idea, or the motivation to leave that person, place, or thing or start that person, place, or thing. 

Now that you're familiar with Internal Self Awareness, Congratulations,  you have just been exposed to certain subjects, topics, and science backed data that 85% of the population is unaware of, that could level them up in their personal lives right now. But they’re distracted,

I’ll leave you with this, I use to go with the flow of life, wishing fully thinking,  I used to react to life, I used to play the victim of my own life, blaming everything on other people, my past,  or my mental struggles. This is the worse part, that life,  could have been the rest of my life. Living in fear, isolation, anxiety, pain, and stress. It wasn’t until I attended an event like this, where I realized my life matters. Your life matters, the lives of the people you love and want to create positive memories- their lives matter. 

So really reflect today, tomorrow, and the next. Create a vision board, start journaling, find a mentor,  start writing down goals, think about your future, the future you, the best part and this the last quote for the day, 

“Your past doesn’t define you, but everything up till-now, is your fault” You have a fresh start on life after today, empower your mind and mindset with all the positive effective changes you know you need to start making right now. Start small. Because to much change to soon, isn’t good for anyone, or any-one thing. Thank You.

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