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Life Will Test Your Mental Limits: Another Combat Story

On the battlefield, testing your mental limits isn’t just a phrase—it’s a daily reality.

A Moment of Reflection

Do me this favor before continuing on to my story, Recall those times in your life when you were pushed to the edge, moments that unveiled your true strength. A moment where life said F%%% You! Let's see how you handle this.

The Call Sign: Blackout

For us, the call sign “Blackout, Blackout, Blackout” echoed over our radio comms whenever someone in our group in Afghanistan was either wounded or worse, KIA (Killed in Action). “Blackout” meant cutting off all communication with the outside world until we received clearance from our captain. 

I want to share a story of mental fortitude that pushed and tested my limits in ways I never imagined.

Arrival at Kandahar Airfield

We had just arrived at Kandahar Airfield (KAF) in Afghanistan, awaiting transport to our combat outpost, Masum Ghar, in the Horn of Panjwai District—the birthplace of the Taliban. The heat was a scorching 135 degrees, and we passed the time drinking Irish Monster energy drinks and smoking menthols to ease the stress of what was to come. Then, out of nowhere, one of our sergeants, the toughest guy in our company, screamed “Noooo!” and bolted out of our tent, slamming the makeshift plywood door behind him. The shockwave of his breakdown hit us all. My buddy Perez and I exchanged worried glances. If he broke, how the hell are we going to handle this deployment!

Facing the Reality of Fear

We still had 9 months ahead of us. Our deployment was just beginning, and this incident shook everyone to their core. Some soldiers were too terrified to leave the base, others had to be sent home early, and many were consumed by fear—who’s next? Despite the dread, we had a mission to complete, and we had to find a way to push through mentally and emotionally.

A Defining Moment

This was a defining moment, a test of our collective mental limits. We were headed to the same locations where tragedy had struck, with no option but to face it head-on. Overthinking was a luxury we couldn’t afford; we had to rely on our mindset. The mind, after all, is a powerful gateway to greatness. Our first sergeant and company commander, visibly shaken, offered us a way out, “If you want to go home, we have a few volunteer slots available. We understand.”

Choosing Brotherhood Over Fear

At that moment in my life, I said, “” I’m not going to volunteer to go home, I'm not going to disrespect my brothers and leave them because I'm scared, I know what I signed up for, we trained for this, and I realized that day, we all graduated from men to warfighters diving into the unknown, together. 

I was only in the Army for less than 6 months, but when you test your limits and trust your brothers to the left and right of you, that's called brotherhood. Something I found that day I didn't’ realize I needed in my life. 

Earning a Unit Citation

Throughout our rotation, we spent the most time outside the wire, covered the most miles, completed the most missions, and so much more. Our company earned a unit citation. A unit citation is a formal, honorary mention by high authority of a military unit's specific and outstanding performance, notably in battle.. Something clicked in all of us that day, setting a new tempo, a new mindset, and a new purpose greater than ourselves.

A Message of Resilience

So before giving up and letting life dictate your life, regardless of how you feel or the situation your in, I’m here to tell you its not over. Smile at life and say F.U. you ain’t going to hold me down from reaching my fullest potential.

Rest to the east, Staff Sergeant Battle and Private Markie Simms. Till Valhalla.

Building Your Vision

Your vision starts with knowing yourself. At Mogressive, we help you discover your true self and build a vision for your future. Don’t wait to hit rock bottom before you decide you need a boost in life. Take it right now, its right in yo face! Take it! Grab it! And if you don’t see any value in it right now. Don’t do it for you, do it for the people around you-who love you and support you everyday regardless of the outcomes. I’ll leave you with this final quote or affirmation, “be uncomfortable so the people you love can live comfortably, it's only for a little bit”

Call to Action

Ready to find your vision and start your mission? Visit Mogressive and schedule your free session today. Let’s begin your journey towards a fulfilling life.

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