Mogressive Coaching

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Veterans Embracing “S.W.O.T.” To Boost Confidence After The Military

What is SWOT?

Transitioning from military to civilian life can be challenging. Us veterans often face significant hurdles, including unemployment rates as high as 3.3%​ (Stars and Stripes)​. Additionally, many veterans report difficulties adjusting to civilian life, which can lead to negative habits, mindsets, and environments that hinder their progress. Completing a S.W.O.T. analysis can help you hit the ground running upon returning home by providing a clear roadmap for leveraging your strengths and addressing potential weaknesses.

SWOT Analysis

A strategic tool we use here at Mogressive Coaching and corporate sectors like  Lockheed Martin and Boeing- to identify and analyze your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Here’s what each means:

Strengths: Positive attributes within your control, such as skills, education, and personal traits.

  • Example: Leadership skills and discipline from military training.

Weaknesses: Internal factors hindering your progress, like lack of experience or bad habits.

  • Example: Difficulty translating military skills to civilian job requirements.

Opportunities: External factors you can leverage, like job openings and market trends.

  • Example: Programs designed to help veterans transition into tech roles.

Threats: External challenges like economic downturns and increased competition.

  • Example: High unemployment rates in desired civilian sectors.

How to Conduct a Personal S.W.O.T. Analysis

  1. List Your Strengths: Identify skills, qualities, and resources you excel in. (Seek & ask feedback from others.)

    1. Words of Encouragement, “I am proud of my accomplishments and the unique strengths I bring to any situation. My skills and experiences are valuable and will guide me to success."

  2. Identify Your Weaknesses: Honestly assess areas needing improvement.

    1. Words of Encouragement, "I acknowledge my weaknesses without judgment, knowing that each one is an opportunity for growth and self-improvement."

  3. Spot Opportunities: Look for external factors you can capitalize on.

    1. Words of Encouragement, “I am open to the abundant opportunities around me and ready to seize them to create a brighter future."

  4. Recognize Threats: Identify potential obstacles or risks.

    1. Words of Encouragement, “I am aware of the challenges ahead but confident in my ability to navigate and overcome them with resilience and determination."

By conducting a SWOT analysis, you gain a comprehensive view of where you stand and how to move forward. It’s a practical tool for enhancing your personal and professional life.

For more detailed guides on conducting a SWOT analysis, check resources like MindTools and Harvard Business Review.

The Benefits For YOU!

Self-Awareness: Gain deeper understanding of you, leveraging strengths and addressing weaknesses.

  • Example: A veteran realizing their strong problem-solving skills can be an asset in project management.

Goal Setting: Identify opportunities and set realistic goals while preparing for potential threats.

  • Example: Setting a goal to obtain market demand certifications in IT to increase employability.

Strategic Planning: Plan your career and personal development considering all influencing factors.

  • Example: Focusing job search efforts on industries with veteran-friendly policies.

Decision Making: Make informed decisions with a clear understanding of your SWOT.

  • Example: Deciding to pursue further education based on identified gaps in civilian job market requirements.

Using SWOT in Life

Enhanced Personal Growth: Continuous self-improvement by regularly conducting SWOT analysis.

  • Example: Regularly reassessing skills and market conditions to stay competitive.

Improved Problem-Solving: Develop strategies to overcome weaknesses and threats.

  • Example: Creating a plan to enhance communication skills for civilian job interviews.

Better Utilization of Resources: Focus on areas with the most potential for success.

  • Example: Leveraging VA benefits for education and training.

Increased Confidence: Balanced self-awareness fosters confidence and assertiveness.

  • Example: Knowing your strengths boosts confidence in job interviews and networking events.

Strategic Career Management: Particularly valuable for veterans transitioning to civilian life, identifying transferable skills, and recognizing new career opportunities.

  • Example: Using military logistics experience to transition into a supply chain management role in the private sector.

Why Mogressive?

At Mogressive, we empower veterans to unlock their fullest potential through personalized coaching and strategic planning. Whether you're transitioning out of the military or seeking career advancement, our tailored programs provide the support and guidance you need to thrive.

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