Mogressive Coaching

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10 Strategies for Building Powerful Habits

“Healthy habits are learned in the same way as unhealthy ones-through practice.”

- Wayne Dyer

Habits change your brain, literally. It takes 21-Days to develop a new Habit.

How do you pick up good habits? Glad you asked lol. Developing a habit is like setting a micro-goal (small goal) You might not realize it, but you set micro-goals everyday. check it out- You wake up in the morning, for-most, we open our eyes-THINK, let me grab my phone, get out of bed, wipe my eyes, etc…you get the picture. Ok, those are micro-goals! you think before you act sub-consciously or react through muscle memory. You are telling your body “hey pick your arm up, and grab my phone” your brain processes that, and sets micro-goals until completion. Every day.

“Habits are just repetitions of micro-goals.”


Mogressive 12 Powerful Habit building strategies

  1. Make your BED! Make your BED! Make your Bed! {There’s your first repetitive micro-goal exercise}

  2. Start figuring out what you are Grateful for in this life - Self Reflect

  3. Start with something small - Make your bed?

  4. Get a Mental & Physical workout - listen to Mogressive Mindset #2 -Spotify and go for a walk, run, swim

  5. Set & write down a morning routine, plan your day on PAPER

  6. As soon as your alarm goes off in the morning, jump out of BED no laying or snoozing.

  7. Limit time with friends/family “focusing means saying no” - Mogressive

  8. Surround yourself with positive people “show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future”- Dan Pena

  9. Let go.. let go of all the negative

  10. Ask for help - part of letting go- ego, pride, and outlook on life.

  11. Practice success before you are successful - imagine all the positive outcomes you want in life. think.

  12. Always have these 3 hobbies in your life: One that makes you Happy, another to keep you creative, and lastly, focus on what your passionate about.

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