1 Approach

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Transform your personal journey with our innovative and holistic approach to life coaching. Our 1 Approach System is designed to transfer weekly knowledge by simultaneously engaging all your motor and sensory skills. We read, watch, listen, write, reflect, and communicate to create “Brain Plasticity”—the new brainstorming method that enhances your ability to build and retain information quickly and effectively.

By incorporating the Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment, we can understand the best methodology to teach, approach, ask, or create the bridge connecting the curriculum from us to you. This system has been recognized as the #1 Personal Awareness tool used by major Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and top executives worldwide.

Experience an increase in motivation, performance, and personal growth as we tailor our coaching to your unique needs. Whether you're setting goals, building habits, or seeking a mindset shift, our approach ensures you leverage your strengths and achieve your highest potential. Join us on this transformative journey and unlock your full capabilities.

Proven Success Across Various Fields:

These assessments are widely used by Fortune 500 companies, military special operations forces (SOF), and leaders around the world to build the best teams and drive success.

  • Fortune 500 Companies: Use MBTI, FIRO-B, and EQ to enhance team dynamics, improve leadership skills, and foster a culture of innovation.

  • Military SOF Groups: Utilize these tools to optimize team cohesion, ensuring that each member's strengths are harnessed for mission success.

  • Global Leaders: Rely on these assessments to better understand their teams, adapt to changing circumstances, and achieve strategic goals.

Complementing Mogressive Coaching:

The Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment has been dissected to complement our strategy coaching, ensuring you are well on your way to achieving your goals. This integration supports:

  • Goal Setting: Crafting clear, achievable goals with a deep understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses.

  • Habit Building: Developing and reinforcing positive habits while breaking old, unproductive patterns.

  • Self-Awareness: Enhancing awareness of your intrinsic motivations, fears, and desires for informed decision-making.

  • Personal Growth Development: Facilitating continuous personal development through targeted exercises and reflections.

  • Mindset Shift: Encouraging a shift in mindset to embrace challenges and view them as opportunities for growth.

  • Breaking Old Habit Loops: Identifying and dismantling unproductive habits to foster new, positive behaviors.

  • Stress Management: Transforming negative stress into positive motivation and learning to manage both effectively.

  • Effective Time Management: Implementing strategies to prioritize tasks, manage time efficiently, and increase productivity.

Leveraging Past Experiences Through Journaling:

Journaling and reflecting on past life experiences are integral to our 1 Approach System. By delving into your past, you can uncover valuable insights that shape your future success. This process involves:

  • Reflective Journaling: Writing about past experiences to understand how they have shaped your current behavior and mindset.

  • Learning from the Past: Identifying patterns and lessons from previous successes and challenges to inform future decisions.

  • Continuous Self-Discovery: Using journaling as a tool for ongoing self-awareness and personal growth.

  • Building a Mental Blueprint: Leveraging past achievements to create a roadmap for future goals and aspirations.

The more you learn about yourself, the more future success you'll have. This reflective practice not only enhances self-awareness but also empowers you to break free from limiting beliefs and habits, setting you on a path to optimal achievement.

Our 1 on 1 Method:

“Sometimes we need to feel it, hear it, or see it. One of them will wake us up!”

During our weekly meetings we will:

  • Read: Engage with carefully selected readings tailored to your goals.

  • Watch: Visual learning through curated videos.

  • Listen: Auditory learning via podcasts and audio recordings.

  • Write: Reflect and express through writing exercises.

  • Reflect: Take time to reflect on your learning and progress.

Unlocking Potential with Comprehensive Assessments

Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment (MBTI):

  • Enhanced Self-Awareness: Gain insights into your personality type, understanding your perception and decision-making processes.

  • Improved Communication: Appreciate different communication styles, fostering better relationships.

  • Effective Team Building: Identify complementary strengths within teams, promoting collaboration.

  • Personal Growth: Discover areas for development, leveraging your natural strengths while addressing blind spots.

FIRO-B (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior):

  • Interpersonal Dynamics: Understand your interpersonal needs and how they influence your behavior and relationships.

  • Team Synergy: Improve team interactions by recognizing and addressing the interpersonal needs of team members.

  • Leadership Development: Enhance leadership skills by understanding how to meet the interpersonal needs of others.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ):

  • Self-Regulation: Learn to manage your emotions effectively, leading to better decision-making.

  • Empathy: Develop the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, improving interpersonal relationships.

  • Social Skills: Enhance your ability to navigate social complexities and build positive relationships.

A.I. Platform Integration

Our A.I. platform enhances the course for maximum positive change by collecting real-time data and feedback on a weekly-topic basis. This integration allows us to provide personalized adjustments and ensure you are always on track to achieving your goals.

Benefits of Our Digital Exercises:

  • Maximize Goal Achievement: Use our digital exercises to complement and enhance your personal journey.

  • Optimize Your Experience: Tailor your learning and growth experience to your unique needs.

  • Enhance Overall Wellness: Improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being through a comprehensive approach.

Health & Wellness Assessments

Initial Assessment: Get the jump start you need to reach your goals with our Health & Wellness Assessments. In Week 0, our onboarding process will help us determine the best strategies to launch you into a healthier lifestyle and get you started on the path to achieving your goals quickly and efficiently.

Half-Way Assessment & Evaluation: Reflect halfway through the course using our Self Reflection Assessments. Get an honest look into your progress and accomplishments at the midpoint of your course. Evaluate your progress, track achievements, and identify areas needing improvement to stay motivated and set new goals for the remainder of the course.

End of Program Review: At the end of the program, receive an "End of Program Change Cycle Review." Each client will get a digital copy of their weekly progression, with digital forms from our A.I. platforms automatically emailed for further insights and reinforced positive feedback and support.

Why Choose 1 Approach System?

  • Holistic Development: Our system targets all aspects of your personal growth.

  • Personalized Coaching: One-on-one sessions ensure you receive the attention and guidance you need.

  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Leverage the power of A.I. to enhance your learning experience.

  • Personalized Coaching

    Proven Strategies

  • Supportive Community

    Expert Guidance

  • Tangible Outcomes

    1 Approach System

Limited Enrollment

Limited Enrollment

Start the 6-Week Course:

Ready to transform your life? Start your journey towards a more fulfilling personal and professional life with Mogressive Coaching Intro Course. Click Below