A vision board or goal setting board is a tool that we promote within ALL of our clients: Adults, Veterans, & College Students.
Establish goals, mind map the process, and visualize the results. I’ve created Cheat sheets to make the process that much effortless. Search below for the vision board that best fits your lifestyle.
There are 2 Types of Vision Boards.
Image Vision Boards are a collection of pictures that fit your current goals and future life/goals.
Mapping Vision Boards are a full breakdown, like brainstorming goals, setting checkpoints, reminders, and attaching a deeper meaning to each goal.
Our Focus
Student Veterans use our vision board to help them with their transition back into civilian life, and school.
College Students use it to visualize their goals of graduating from school, getting into the college they want, or being able to afford the education they need.
Adults who are transitioning mid career, starting a new lifestyle, or simply want a better grasp on life and its outcomes, our vision boards have the ability to see their future as a reality, which can help them achieve their goals more effectively.
Vision boards can be a great way for adults to start thinking about what they want in life, starting right now.
Coaching Tip - Positivity is key to life, so on this vision board I place motivational quotes next to items that reinforce my why and reason to attain that goal. Positivity.
“ The goal setting was my biggest take away because I learned how I can take baby steps to achieve the bigger goal in my academic career.”
-Lhea Aragon, Mogressive Graduate
“I have spent a long time going with the flow. Recently I have taken control and made decisions with good intentions and my world has changed.”
-Mark Hinojosa, Mogressive Graduate
Vision boards are a great way to visualize what you want in life. They can be used for a variety of purposes, but their main focus is for college students to use them as a tool to help with the transition from high school to college, and college to beyond!
College students often have trouble visualizing themselves fitting into the world of academia and this is where vision boards come into play.
Our templates break down step by step & all the “how to’s” in setting up your vision board at home, work, or school. Click Here
College Students
Download Our Fillable Templates
Adults Goal Getters
Vision boards are a great way to get your creative juices flowing and set goals for yourself. They're also a great way to keep track of your achievements as you work towards your goals.
A vision board is a collection of images, words, or phrases that represent what you want in life. It can be anything from a collage of photos of your dream home, family, and lifestyle to images of the car you want or even pictures that represent how you want to feel on a daily basis.
Our Cheat Sheet & Templates break down step by step & all the “how to’s” in setting up your vision board at home, work, or school. Click Here
I’ve created vision boards because they work, there are 2 types of Vision Boards, Collage & Mapping.
Collage Vision Boards are a collection of pictures that fit your current goals and future life/goals.
Mapping Vision Boards are a full breakdown, like brainstorming goals, setting checkpoints, reminders, and attaching a deeper meaning to each goal.
I’ve created digital templates for Veterans with Service dogs, to help self accountability, pushing comfort zone boundaries, and creates daily self motivation while enrolled in a service dog program or organization. Writing down a goal on paper increases your chances of achieving that goal by 33%
My life changed with Operation Freedom Paws, click here to start your journey.
Service Dog Veterans
Vision Board Examples
Vision Board Videos
“What really Matters”
Vision Board Hacks
Vision boards are usually made with pictures and words that represent the things you want to have, do, or be. These images and words can be cut out of magazines or drawn by hand. They can also be collected from around the house (e.g., postcards, photographs).
Start cutting out images of things you want in the near future. Always timestamp your goals, “how much & by when” Example: Lose 10lbs, by Dec 1st. Keep breaking down your goals.
Goal Setting
Vision boards are a great way to visualize what you want in your life. They can help you set goals, work on your self-image, and even manifest your desires.
The best way to make a vision board is by writing down what you want in each category and then create a collage of images that represent those wants.
Just by writing down your goals on paper or on a vision board you increase your chances of achieving them by 33%
It always starts and ends with you.
Book a FREE 20 Call and we can setup your vision board together.