Student Athletes - STEM Majors - Full Time - Part Time

Assistance with overcoming academic challenges, stress management, and developing a growth mindset for educational success

I am starting to receive feedback that others notice and was nominated student of the month. Out of the many students who are at Cabrillo, I actually got it. :)

I am starting to receive feedback that others notice and was nominated student of the month. Out of the many students who are at Cabrillo, I actually got it. :)

Yes, truly has helped me release the bad habits I once had and turn them into positive ones.

Yes, truly has helped me release the bad habits I once had and turn them into positive ones.

College can be tough, but I know firsthand that it's possible to overcome even the biggest challenges. My first year was a struggle, with a daunting 0.8 GPA and three attempts just to pass trigonometry, and another 3 tries to pass Pre-Calculus. But I refused to give up.

That's when something amazing happened. I started learning more about myself, discovering what truly made me happy, and changing the way I approached my educational journey. I realized that it wasn't just about grades or doing what everyone else said I should do - it was about trusting myself, trusting the process, and trusting my decisions.

You can do it too. As a life coach for college millennials, I'm here to help you unlock your full potential and find your own unique path to success.

Whether you're struggling with grades, feeling lost or unsure about your academic or career choices, or just need some guidance and support, I'm here to help.

Together, we can overcome obstacles such as: Exam Anxiety, Awareness to campus resources, campus culture, learning style adjustments, isolation, and balancing responsibilities overall.

Let’s take that first step and begin learning how to trust yourself through this educational journey - this is just beginning!


The College experience presents unique challenges for all students. Studies have cited problems for all students adjusting to campus life, campus culture and bridging the gap of transitioning your mindset to the student life.

Making deliberate choices about the college lifestyle with validation through emotional intelligence and habit building - Naturally leads to self growth and development with the premise of graduating from a good place both mentally and physically during your College Experience & Journeys.


Take Ownership of your college experiences:

  • Mindset / Self Awareness

  • Goal setting/Vision Boards/We empower

  • Maximizing focus for graduation/transfer

  • Manage hw, athletics, clubs, classes, & teachers

  • Manage stress & time - investible habits

  • Understand Campus Culture

  • Taking control of Exam Anxiety through EQ

I was a Work-Study Student - (Highly recommend)

  • I was a Fellowship Team Leader, Student Assistant 1,2,3,4, and Veteran Campus Leader.

  • Co Founder/Co Chairman of the Student Veteran Endowment at Cabrillo College. (Raised $90K during Covid)

  • FAFSA multiple Grant/awards recipient (over $25k in scholarships and grants - I’ll teach you)

  • I’ve gone through the same journey or process as most student athletes, student veterans, and STEM majors, and came out on-top. I have a system that forces you to convert to effortless discipline while focusing on your true passions and beliefs.

  • I was a Student Athlete

  • I was a Student Veteran

  • I struggled and built a system so that you don’t have to struggle, alone.

  • Current Grad Student at Middlebury Institute of International Studies (MIIS)

This section is very personal to me, as I was a student veteran myself. I struggled my first year of college, but with trial and error I was able to create a system that focuses on taking ownership, and how to apply various methods of resourcefulness. I utilized the Veterans Education Benefits, the results, A.S. Engineering BA/MA International Policy & Development, Specializing in Conflict Resolution & Social Injustice (Present), Co-Chairman & Founder of the Student Veteran Endowment at Cabrillo College, VFW Member, and Local Veteran leader in our veteran community.