Directions Below
Write & Submit Your Testimonial without Judgement from another!
Exercise:: Grounding Ourselves | Sorry Exercise | “Saying sorry to your past-self”
Based on this premise:
“ Your past doesn't define you, but everything up till now is your fault ”
Take 8 minutes: *You can write in the box below
Really reflect on your life, the good, the bad, and everything in between.
Then focus on who you are now, and what direction you see your life taking.
Now, record yourself in voice memos, audio app, camera, or write it down.
The objective is to have a “hard copy” so you can come back to this audio clip
or writing to reflect and realign you back on track.
Here's my testimonial:
Exercise:: saying sorry to your past-self
“I’m sorry for not waking up early and working on my goals.I’m sorry for partying 3 days in a row and letting my body suffer for a week afterwards. I’m sorry I missed the opportunities I didn’t see because I was distracted. I’m sorry for wasting your time when we should have been writing down and planning our future.”
Keep scrolling down…
This is a powerful exercise. I created this exercise to punch you in the face and cry! Lol no but really. This promotes gratitude, grounds you, and allows you detach from your life for a few minutes and look from the outside looking in. We all need this every now and again. Feel free to share this with your friends and family.
Now you can start moving forward, if you ever feel unmotivated, re-read this exercise to force yourself to listen to the person who you used to be and how you had bad habits.
It's a reflection of everything you did and didn’t do in your own life.
Now, own all that shit! And move forward and write where you see yourself in 5 years…
How do you feel?
Re read what you wrote or said.
How do you feel?
Where did your mind take you?
What were you thinking when you were writing?
What stood out?
Did it bring up an old memory or life experience?