3 Ways Trusting Your Intuition Is A Superpower

The Domino’s Pizza Story, Apple's “Think Different” Commercial, & Henry Ford's crazy wage increase!

How to follow your instincts even when people say you’re crazy

Today we're going to focus on how to make the process of trusting oneself easier and there’s 3 steps to become more comfortable with your confidence, with your intuition and creativity.

Today were going to focus on 3

1) Trust your intuition

2) Learn from mistakes 

3) Integrate intuition with logic 


As we break them down in this episode, you’ll start connecting and understanding how you can start applying a few of these examples into your own practices and walks of life. Just as I have, and so have my confident clients. 

Trust your intuition, your gut feeling. I used to monitor when I followed through with my gut feeling versus second guessing myself. And everytime I changed my mind at the last minute and didn’t trust my intuition, or started listening to other people's opinions, outside noises,  the outcomes never worked out in my favor. 

Turn it into a 3 day challenge. it’ll naturally force you to be more vigilant and aware about yourself a little more everyday. And its stress relieving catching yourself in action before the outcomes plays out how they used to in the past. Its the building blocks for positive change. 

Here’s a few examples of: trusting your intuition, learning from past mistakes, and how to integrate intuition with logical thinking for positive change. . 

Apple, as in apple iPhone, had the famous "Think Different"  Apple commercial. It  hit it right in the bullseye when it said, "Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do." If you haven’t seen it, all attach the link in the show notes.

Thinking and acting differently, is just doing something that the majority of people won't do, nor be the first ones to try something new. In the army there's a motto, we blew the bridge, no retreat, no surrender. We also have another quote here at mogressive. “Irreversible change without regret is cleansing” that quote takes some time to fully understand. 

Henry Ford, as in ford motors, was failing rapidly with the ford production, so in 1914 he did something that went against the norm: he doubled his employees' wages. Crazy right? Well, within a year, turnover dropped by a factor of more than 20 while productivity nearly doubled, and demand for Ford cars boomed because Ford's own workers could now afford the product they were making. Start trusting yo gut feelings!

Sometimes, decisions or ideas that sound insane or sure to infuriate everyone around you are necessary to bring about change or move the world forward.

Being able to make those calls based on your intuition is a prime example of great leadership. And If you're hesitating to trust your gut, you're not the only one. But trusting it might make all the difference to you, and the people you care about. 

Even Dominos pizza, one of the world's leading pizza chains, was rapidly declining in 2010. When it came to taste, Domino's tied for last place with Chuck E. Cheese, the children's pizza-party chain and “it tasted like cardboard”  "We had somehow created a situation, where people liked our pizza less if they knew it was from us." said CEO patrick doyle.  

They were the first pizza chain to really live up to the Mogressive Model of “OWN IT!” They publicly acknowledged to their customers that yes, we have a problem here and with your support we can create the world's best tasting pizza. Long story short, if you invested 1,000$ in dominos stock at that time your stock would be worth more today than if you had invested $1,000 in Google's 2004 IPO.

Domino’s Pizza literally changed the game in the food industry, they were the first ones to create the mobile ordering app platform, which disney is now pilot testing within there footprint.


It's not always easy to trust yourself and your intuition, but it is a skill that we need to learn. Doesn’t matter what income bracket, educational background you have, culture..its about following your own bliss, becoming your own greatest superhero and sometimes we need to put our capes on or take our capes off just like dominos did, confidently. Own it. 

start becoming a little bit more vulnerable with yourself. Start there, and I would recommend my free journaling course on my website, I’ll attach the link in the show notes. 

The reason why I say you should start with journaling, is because you have to start trusting yourself to put your own thoughts, words, feelings, emotions down on paper.

Journaling is the first line of defense when it comes to self-therapy and personal success. And the online journaling course is digital, you can sign in whenever you want, covering 10 different topics, with 20 prompts per topic, and the best part its private, only you’ll see it. I know for myself, I used to hesitate journaling on paper because I was scared someone might find it, read it, and know everything about me lol.


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