Do My Environments Effect My Daily Decisions?
Start surrounding yourself with environments that fit your future!
“Surround yourself with those who believe in your dreams, inspire your vision, and propel you towards greatness.”
Your environments hold the key to unlocking your true potential
The environments we surround ourselves with play an instrumental role in shaping our lives. They affect the way you dress, speak, think, and act. They exert a profound influence on our habits, thought processes, behaviors, and actions as well. In this article, we delve into the significance of our surroundings and how they can either contribute to our growth or lead us down a path of stagnation and complacency. Two fundamental self-identifying questions will be explored to initiate a journey of self-discovery and empowerment:
How have my current environments impacted my life?
How can I use this understanding to consciously create environments that further my personal and professional growth?
By exploring these questions honestly, we can gain valuable insights into our lives and make conscious choices to steer ourselves towards positive transformation.
Soccer wasn't just a game for me, it was the very fabric of my existence that led me on an unforgettable journey to reach pro soccer levels in Brazil and England. Playing at one of the highest forms of soccer on this planet! From morning's echoing with the rhythm of my soccer ball dribbling through the house, to weekends that started before sunrise- watching the English Premier League, soaking in every move of players sharing my position, my life was woven with this sport. My room was my sanctuary, decorated with posters of goal-scoring legends from Manchester United, Real Madrid, and Barcelona, each goal echoing an inspiring symphony. Right next to the best basketball poster ever, Michael Jordan! The environments we immerse ourselves in shape our minds and souls, and at that time my environment was soccer. If it didn’t relate to soccer in some way, shape, or form, I was disinterested.
My dedication ran deeper than a personal pursuit; I was living on cloud 9 with the understanding I would eventually have to come down. I mobilized pick-up games, connected with other soccer aficionados on Facebook, and learned through relentless weekday practice and high-octane weekend tournaments. I was privileged to witness the pulsating thrill of a live game in Spain, in the iconic Madrid stadium—and toured Barcelona’s stadium as well. Life tends to bend to your reality when we become focused on our true passions and aspirations in life.
In retrospect, I realized this journey cultivated invaluable traits within me: discipline, self-accountability, motivation, leadership, visualization techniques, and above all, perseverance. In each dribble and goal, I was unknowingly honing a humble, quick-thinking mindset that found its way into every aspect of my life. I learned that the environments we choose to associate with leave a lasting impact, like how the soccer strategies enriched my problem-solving in math, and the teamwork enhanced my brainstorming skills in group projects. In this synergy, I discovered a career path in engineering—a field as demanding and rewarding as soccer, requiring the same level of tenacity, strategy, and resilience. The environments we immerse ourselves in shape us, and I am a product of my love for soccer and a testament to its transformative power.
So I asked myself another self identifying question:
What other environments can I gain life skills from? I was addicted to growth.
Here a few examples of this:
Working as a junior engineer at 14.
Professional soccer overseas at 18.
Deployed to Afghanistan at 24.
Special Operations School at 27.
College/University/Graduate School at 33
Founder/Speaker/Author at 35.
The Impact of Environments on Decision Making
Our surroundings have a remarkable impact on our decision-making process. Imagine yourself in two different environments: one that creates productivity, inspiration, and ambition, and another that encourages distractions, dependencies, and complacency. In the former, you are more likely to prioritize your short and long-term goals, while in the latter, you may find yourself giving in to trivial pursuits.
The Dangers of Negative Environments
Many of us have experienced moments when we feel that our environments are holding us back from reaching our true potential. For instance, personal goals may take a backseat to socializing, indulging in excesses, or succumbing to the fear of missing out (FOMO). Negative environments can be like quicksand, slowly pulling us further away from our dreams and aspirations.
Once we create our goals, we must remain vigilant about the environments we immerse ourselves in, as they can significantly impact our progress. I remember in high school having different friend groups who found different meanings in the word “cool” What was cool to one group of friends was getting a 3.0 or above each semester, while my other group of friends found more meaning in the word cool to cut class and rebel. We never want to become outcasted by our friends because then you won’t be as “cool” as them. Then you’ll become the weird one in the group, it becomes easier to just go with the flow of ditching class rather to tell them, “let's all try and get A’s!” So again, pick your environments wisely based on your goals – those environments will speed up the process or slow you down, distracting you from the real you.
Identifying Your Dominant Environment
To harness the power of environments positively, we must first identify our dominant environment—the place or the people we spend the most time with. This is a crucial step in taking charge of our decision-making process. Create a baseline so you know exactly where you are in life, so you can understand what steps you need to take right now, and which steps need to be taken later.
Reflect on Your Time Spent
Take a moment to reflect on where you spend the majority of your time. Is it at work, home, social gatherings, or recreational spots? Understanding where you invest your time can provide insights into the kind of influences you are creating for yourself.
Next, evaluate the people you spend the most time with. Are they supportive, driven, and inspiring individuals who uplift you, or are they negative, complacent, and draining? The company you keep can either propel you towards greatness or hold you back from achieving your true potential.
Empowering Positive Change
Recognizing the impact of our environments empowers us to make conscious choices to create positive change. Hanging out with individuals who find problems for every solution will hurt you more then it hurts them.
After identifying the environments that need improvement, it's time to curate them in a way that aligns with your aspirations. Create a space that fosters growth, productivity, and inspiration. Whether it's a workspace, a living area, or a social setting, make it conducive to your personal and professional development. Maybe a vision board?
Choose Your Inner Circle Wisely
As the saying goes, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." It is essential to surround yourself with individuals who support your goals, challenge you to become better, and radiate positivity. Engage in meaningful relationships that nurture your growth and elevate your spirits.
Overcoming FOMO with JOMO
One of the significant hurdles we face in maintaining positive environments is the fear of missing out. FOMO can lead us to make impulsive decisions and follow the crowd, even when it does not align with our goals. Embrace the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO)To overcome FOMO, embrace the concept of JOMO—the joy of missing out. Understand that missing out on certain activities or gatherings allows you to focus on your priorities, personal growth, and well-being. Cultivate a sense of contentment in pursuing your unique path, irrespective of what others are doing.
Research has consistently shown that successful individuals attribute their accomplishments not only to their skills and determination but also to their environments. By surrounding themselves with like-minded individuals, positive influences, and empowering spaces, they pave the way for greatness.
Seek Mentorship
A crucial aspect is seeking mentorship. Having a mentor who has achieved what you aspire to can provide invaluable guidance, support, and motivation. They can share their experiences and insights, helping you avoid common pitfalls and accelerate your progress.
In conclusion, the environments we choose to associate ourselves with play a paramount role in our decision-making process and overall trajectory in life. By introspecting (Reflecting) and identifying where we spend the most time and with whom, we can take control of our lives and align ourselves with positive influences.
Empower yourself by curating your surroundings to inspire growth and progress. Surround yourself with individuals who uplift and support you. Embrace the joy of missing out on distractions that deter you from your path to success.
Remember, your journey is unique, and your environments can either be stepping stones towards your dreams or obstacles holding you back. Choose wisely, and let your environments be a driving force in propelling you to the heights of success.