How To Have A Fulfilling Life: Passions | Aspirations | Inspirations |

You have everything you need inside of you to be successful, finding the right formula to uncover or to tap into your new reality is the masterpiece that will attract all of your true passions, aspirations, and inspirations in life.

Ask yourself these 3 questions:

  1. What am I truly passionate about and naturally love doing? what do you love to do?

  2. What do I want to do for the rest of my life? what can I see myself doing for the rest of my life?

  3. What are some Realistic and Unrealistic Goals? Why are they Unrealistic?

How many of “You’s” —> Settled with your current job? or just “Settled” in _____ (fill in the blank)

Or how about you “settled with your partner", knowing he/she wasn’t the one…

We tend to follow our realistic goals, rather than our so-called “unrealistic” goals. Why is that?

Its a Battle up there bro, between your right and left hemispheres of the brain. One logical thinking, and the other creative/unrational thinking. We’re naturally wired to lean more towards the negative, its part of our evolution of survivability. We had to have a negative bias about everything, it was a matter of life or death.

Fast-forward to present time, we still hold those traits within us, but once you become self aware of these evolutionary “bags” it becoms that much easier to reprograam or re evaluate your perception of life. Revealing unfamiliar strengths in the process.

There is way. We have been culturally programed to see the negative, since the day we were born. its part of your identity right now. Its time to recognize your “Intuitive Identity”, this is trusting your gut or intuition. Go do the things that you’ve always wanted too, you even had those gut feelings of, “I know I should go to that thing” but your logical thinking kicks in and kills those dreams, aspirations, and life experiences. This is part of the process here at Mogressive Coaching. We teach you and instill a purpose or WHY big enough to con your brains to dip into your intuitive identities, so you can begin trusting yourselves, and to trust the processes as well. It starts and ends with you, your mindset. Life is perception, you hold the keys to your future goals. tapping inot this type of mindset can be achieved through our 6 weeks course where we focus on self awareness, and self discovery.

The more you learn about who you are, all the why’s about you; only then, you’ll know exactly what to feed your mind during certain engagements and situations.

Welcome to Mogresssive!

Your passions can be uncovered by journaling or self reflecting back to your childhood or adolescents. What makes you happy that doesn’t require spending money? start there. Did you used to play in the backyard all the time? maybe you liked to go get lost in the woods as a kid? really use your imagination and let it run freely as you detach and become an observer in your own lives.


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