Success & Sacrifice: Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly vision for Long Term Glory

The Rhythms of Success: Mastering the Daily, Weekly, and Annual Mindset

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Today’s focus is about success and the sacrifices we intentionally make on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis.

Success represents the achievements of your goals, dreams, and aspirations. You can break down success how you see fit; we're all different and success can look different for all of us.

Sometimes we need a successful week, or a successful afternoon, maybe a successful mindset for this job interview, exam, final, report, or maybe you need to break away from your comfort zones. But.. achieving this type of success often comes at a price.

Successful people understand that sacrifices must be made along the way to reach their desired levels of success and how developing this mindset contributes to their journey towards personal success. Hopefully this will reveal some unknown territories of success and provide you with tools so you can develop a successful mindset in your own personal lives. Starting right now..

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Let’s define Success

Success can be defined in so many different ways, based on your goals and values. It could be: professional, personal, social, or a combination of these factors. 

Regardless of the specific definition, success is often associated with hard work, dedication, and resilience- sacrifice is temporary only with the right mindset and hopefully you can gain a few new life tools here.

What's the Importance of Sacrifice?

Sacrifice is highly personal, its an individual journey. The type of sacrifice made for personal success is intentional, we’re intentionally putting ourselves through this journey and you have to find a way to align sacrifice with your core values and long term vision.

It involves giving up immediate pleasures or comforts in exchange for long-term gains. Successful individuals understand that certain sacrifices are necessary to propel them forward and to level them up. Here are some examples of the different types of sacrifices that will lead you towards the various levels of success.

Just as we align goals and rewards-they have to compliment one another. You cant match a small goal with a big reward. Small goals equal small rewards, small habits, small changes, leading towards long term success. Daily sacrifices could equal- replacing one of your meals with a healthy meal for example. Heres a 1-2-3 Example, Match the levels of success with 1 a mindset, a sacrifice, and a reward. Write that one down. Match the levels of success with a mindset, sacrifice, and reward. Ok I’m going to share Daily, Weekly, and Yearly examples of sacrifice along with 3 examples for each.

 Learn how to:

Effectively make daily, weekly, and annual sacrifices to pave your way to lasting achievements. Join us as we delve into strategies for sustainable triumphs.

Daily Sacrifices:

  1. Waking up earlier: Sacrificing precious sleep to start the day with a productive routine, it could be something subtle as exercising, journaling, praying, meditating, stretching or writing down important tasks for the day.

  2. Limiting social media use: Sacrifice the temptation, Sacrifice the temptation of endless scrolling especially in the morning before getting out of bed. Focus on you and your mindset when you first wake up. Don’t check emails, social media, or anything that will take your attention away from you. If you get tempted, remind yourself WHY, you're going to talk to yourself a little more and more each morning to convince yourself of this intentional sacrifice.

  3. Skipping unhealthy snacks: Sacrificing the temptation of junk food treats. Obesity is the number one cause of death in the United states. More than 40% of adults in the US are obese and another 20% on top of that are obese children. I see it like this: eat healthy, think health, move healthy, increasing the quality of questions I ask myself, increasing my self motivation to gain access to the next level of personal success. Remember it's a sacrifice. link.

Weekly Sacrifices:

  1. Cutting back on leisure activities: Here's an affirmation I use, “Focusing on me, means saying no to the outside for a little bit.” Sacrificing a night out with friends or family so I can dedicate more time to work, personal projects,  or learning. Permanent change means making personal change. Think about it like this, if nothing changes in your personal life then nothing will change for your children, family, grandchildren, one of the rarest things we can leave for the next generation is our personal legacy. Nobody will remember how much money you had, but they’ll remember what type of person you were. 

  2. Working weekends: Sacrificing video games, bar hopping, birthday parties, or social events on weekends to catch up on tasks, complete projects, or invest additional effort in professional development. And if that's too much of a change then that's good that you can recognize that within yourself right now. That's part of self awareness. Remember, too much change too soon isn’t good for anyone or any-one thing. So, make small changes. Attend the weekend extravaganza’s only after putting in some personal development work. Use those events as a reward. You're starting to condition the mind to think differently now. So later down the road when you want to tackle a bigger goal, your mind wont go into fear mode right away. It’ll say, “hey I see this big life obstacle, i wonder how we’ll reward ourselves after figuring this out” rather than trying to convince you about why this goal is too big and how you should give up and never think about goals like this in the future. It's a mindset. The body will always follow the mind. Get FOMO out of your system. FOMO stands for fear of missing out. The only thing you're missing out on is the future you.

  3. Limiting TV or entertainment time: Sacrifice binge-watching everything, remember to use binge-watching as a reward now. Create space for personal growth, reading, or skill-building activities. Complete an investable goal, then go watch netflix. Make a self commitment and follow through with it. You're building your confidence and self discipline levels to attack yearly goals down the road. But if you can’t follow through with limiting your tv time, then you're just lying to yourself and if you can lie to yourself then you can anyone and everyone. You can’t help others if you can’t help yourself first. 

Monthly Sacrifices:

  1. Financial budgeting: Sacrificing unnecessary expenses or luxuries to save money for future investments, business endeavors, weekend getaways, or personal development opportunities. Replace going out to eat with friends for homemade cooking. Get involved with your community and attend farmers markets or mom and pops stores to get your breakfast, lunch, and dinner commodities. By making this shift now you're helping out your local communities and creating gratitude. And remember, results run parallel with gratitude.

  2. Decluttering and organizing: Sacrificing time and energy to declutter living or workspaces, creating a more organized environment for improved productivity and focus. Start with your closet, start with one small area at a time. Remember to condition your mind to attack problems by breaking them down into small manageable you don’t get overwhelmed or stressed out right away-when the negative-thoughts arise. It's part of your negative confirmation bias, we're all born with it, its part of the laws of human nature.

  3. Personal time allocation: Sacrificing some personal free time to plan and set goals for the upcoming month reassures a more structured and purposeful approach towards life. Just take comparison with someone who you know, who’s not as organized or structured. Let me guess they're always in a rush, late to everything, messy car, home/room, forgetful.. I’m not calling these people out. I’m saying we all have a choice, you can choose to live your life in reactive mode and guessing your next moves in life. Or you can begin taking ownership of your life so you can level up and raise the bar of your personal long term success starting right now. By setting some time aside on a weekly/monthly basis. Plan 80%-90% and leave 10%-20% for last minute changes. Here's another affirmation I use. Plan for the worse, expect the best. Remember, Success is the Point where preparation and opportunity meet. If you're prepared, the opportunity will show up, leading towards a successful outcome. And the more prepared you are naturally the more confident you are.

Yearly Sacrifices:

  1. Postponing vacations: Sacrificing immediate travel or leisure plans to focus on career milestones, business growth, personal growth, Start using vacations as rewards for bigger goals now. Go to cabo only after receiving a promotion at work or after completing a trade certification, maybe after completing one year of college with a 3.5GPA. Remember to match the goal with the reward. Make your goal as personal as it can be. So while you're sitting in cabo, or relaxing at a weekend getaway you can reflect on the process and emotional sacrifice you accomplished. Self reflecting after completing a goal can teach you more about yourself then any therapist can. I’ll attach a link with some self reflecting awareness questions you can begin asking yourself. Remember to feed your mind quality food, so you can start developing quality questions, quality planning, and quality executions. An undisciplined mindset leads to undisciplined behaviors.

  2. Continuing education: Sacrificing time and resources to pursue advanced degrees, certifications, or professional development programs to enhance knowledge and skills. Just by reading 3-5 books a year, the statistics show you can increase your annual salaries by 10%-15%. Knowledge pays. The largest factor with job positions is the amount of knowledge you have acquired.

  3. Delaying gratification: Sacrificing immediate rewards or purchases to save money for significant investments, such as buying a home, starting a business, or funding a dream project. For example, one of my year long goal, sacrifices I’ve made in the past was to maximize my education- I started at a community college, then went straight to graduate school, the sacrifice was going out with friends, not attend weekend parties, losing time with friends and family, but the reward was to build a passionate business, touch lives through my personal life experiences and struggles leading towards becoming an inspirational leader so other could have someone who might be one or two steps past them. So they can see that it is possible. Anything is possible, sacrifice is temporary only with the right mindset.

    These examples of daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly sacrifices are tools you can start injecting into your own personal lives starting right now, this second. Success is a mindset just like anything else you want in life. It will always start and it will always end with you. I’ll bring some science into this, Isaacs Newton's 3rd law of motion states, for every action there's a reaction. But if you don’t take action, you're only left with a reaction. Now life is out of your control and how long has that been going on for?



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