Staying Inspired Long Term

3 Disciplines

You don’t stay motivated long term; you stay inspired long term. So how do we do that!? I want you to reflect on your life and the journey you're on. These are 3 factors that I’ve had to incorporate into my daily life in order to get exactly what I want from life. Rather than, letting life throw whatever it wants at me and being forced to accept it as my reality.

It all ties back to 3 main disciplines:

  1. Your “Why”

  2. Your Health

  3. And Your Goals

Staying inspired isn’t just about staying motivated; it's about creating a deep, ongoing inspiration that drives you forward every single day. This kind of inspiration requires discipline and a clear understanding of what fuels your passion. Here are three critical factors that can help you stay inspired long term and achieve the life you truly desire.

1. Your Why

Your "why" is your backbone. It's the driving force that gets you out of bed, pushes you to put your phone down, and motivates you to step out of your comfort zone. When you have a powerful "why," you start living life on your terms. It helps you eliminate distractions, develop the power to say no, and focus on what truly matters to you.

Quote to Remember: "Your why becomes your purpose in life."

Why It’s Important: Living in a country with immense opportunities, it's easy to forget the privileges we have. Reflect on the fact that the average hourly wage in the US is significantly higher than the global average daily wage. This perspective can help you cultivate gratitude and stay inspired by the possibilities around you.

2. Your Health

Taking care of your health is crucial for maintaining long-term inspiration. This means making conscious choices about what you consume, both physically and mentally. Avoiding unhealthy habits like drinking soda, eating fast food, and spending excessive time on social media can have a profound impact on your overall well-being and motivation. Breathe the fresh air that was given to us for free by mother nature. Go for walk along the beach, a hike, or jog around your neighborhood.

Quote to Remember: "Society doesn’t want you to succeed and it'll do whatever it can to distract you from the reality of life."

Why It’s Important: By prioritizing your health, you not only improve your physical well-being but also enhance your mental clarity and emotional resilience, which are essential for staying inspired.

3. Your Goals

Setting clear, achievable goals gives you direction, a sense of purpose, and a positive imagination of what you think the finish line might look like. Your goals should be aligned with your why and supported by healthy habits. Reflect on your life journey and the milestones you want to achieve. Regularly review and adjust your goals to stay on track and maintain your enthusiasm.

Quote to Remember: "The answers to a lot of our own limitations are right in front of us, but we’re distracted."

Why It’s Important: Having well-defined goals helps you stay focused and motivated. It allows you to measure your progress, reflect, and celebrate your achievements, keeping your inspiration alive.

The Power of Gratitude

A lot of inspiration comes from gratitude. Remember, it could always be worse. This duality of life helps you appreciate your current situation and motivates you to strive for better. Here are a few examples:

  • It’s difficult to pay bills, but it’s worse not to have money to pay bills.

  • It's challenging to raise kids, but it's harder if you can't have kids.

  • It’s tough to stay motivated on your goals, but it's worse if you don’t have any goals in life.

By practicing gratitude and seeing life from different perspectives, you can maintain a positive outlook and stay inspired.

To Close Out..

Staying inspired long term is about discipline and understanding your why. By focusing on your purpose, maintaining your health, and setting clear goals, you can navigate life with a renewed sense of inspiration. At Mogressive Coaching, we help you discover and cultivate your why, providing you with the tools to stay inspired and achieve your dreams.

Join Mogressive Coaching and start your journey to a more inspired and fulfilling life today! Visit Mogressive Coaching to learn more.

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