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Level Up! Building Self-Confidence: 5 ways to boost self-confidence starting today.(plus a bonus tip!)
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Level Up! Building Self-Confidence: 5 ways to boost self-confidence starting today.(plus a bonus tip!)

Join Mogressive’s 12-week coaching program.

Coach Morfett Flores walks you through 12 weeks of self-awareness and discovery. You’ll learn everything from how to create a vision board to developing routines and taking ownership of your life. The program is free for members, and it can help you build a plan and be empowered.

Founder & CEO

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How to Design Your Life (Passion-Strength-Purpose-Weaknesses)
morfett flores morfett flores

How to Design Your Life (Passion-Strength-Purpose-Weaknesses)

The purpose of developing is to give you the education and skills necessary to go out into the world and live your passion.

Developing means understanding your weaknesses and strengths, accepting who you are and utilizing this knowledge. to develop yourself into a person that is stronger, more confident and successful.

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