Why Goal Setting Fails and How to Overcome The 10 Biggest Roadblocks

Break past what’s holding you back and discover simple steps to finally achieve your goals.

Why Goal Setting Fails & How to Overcome the Most Common Roadblocks

When it comes to setting goals, most of us have great intentions. We tell ourselves, 

"This time, I'm going to stick with it."

 But, let's be honest—how many times have you fallen short despite your best efforts? You’re not alone. Research shows that 92% of people fail to reach their New Year’s goals. But why? What’s stopping so many of us from achieving our dreams, even when the path seems clear?

Based on the feedback and conversations within the Mogressive community & beyond, I’ve pinpointed the 10 biggest reasons people fail to reach their goals. These common struggles, ranging from self-doubt to poor time management, prevent individuals from reaching their full potential. The good news? With a few adjustments and the right mindset, you can break through these barriers.

1. Self-Doubt

This is by far one of the most common reasons goals are abandoned and never achieved. We tell ourselves we aren’t good enough, smart enough, or capable enough. But here’s a fact: everyone who has achieved success has had moments of self-doubt. The key difference is they didn’t let it stop them. Success is a mindset and constantly reminding yourself of your true why and purpose.

Solution: Start with small wins to build your confidence. Instead of aiming for a massive, long-term goal right away, break it down into smaller, more achievable tasks. These little victories will show you that you're more capable than you think. Don’t let a little taste of fear mixed with a negative mindset hold you back, take full control of the thoughts you think.

2. Time Management

Time is limited, and without proper management, even the best intentions can fall flat. A 2023 study by RescueTime revealed that on average, people only spend 2 hours and 48 minutes per day on productive tasks.

Solution: Prioritize tasks that align with your goals. This means understanding “the power of no” say “no” to the outside world for a little bit and put yourself first, I think we’ve put other people before us long enough. Use a planner or digital tool to block out specific time slots for goal-related activities. The trick is to commit those times as non-negotiable, just like you would for a meeting or doctor's appointment. Here’s the secret, match a reward with your goal, always reward yourself after accomplishing a goal. You’re starting to teach your and associate a new goal with a reward, slowly removing those thoughts of why you can’t reach this goal.

3. Fear of Failure

This fear often keeps us from even starting. But here’s something to remember: failure is part of the process. Every successful person has failed more times than they can count. It's not about avoiding failure—it's about learning from it.

Solution: Start looking at failure as feedback. Ask yourself, "What can I learn from this?" Adjust your approach and keep moving forward. Find the win, as we say here at Mogressive.

4. Lack of Motivation

Motivation can be like a sneeze, and when it’s gone, so does our commitment. What separates those who achieve their goals from those who don’t is discipline, not motivation.

Solution: Focus on your why. Why did you set this goal in the first place? Write it down and revisit it whenever your motivation dips. Remember, it’s not always about feeling motivated—sometimes, it’s about showing up even when you don’t feel like it. Kinda like going to work, class, or going to the gym.

5. Scared of Change

Change can be intimidating, but growth rarely happens in your comfort zone. Often, the fear of stepping into the unknown holds us back. You have to begin trusting yourself, your decisions, and the outcomes-Regardless! We expect everything to work out exactly the way we imagined it otherwise we won’t ever take the first step. You Got This!

Solution: Start with small changes that gradually build your tolerance for discomfort. Over time, you’ll find that what once seemed impossible now feels within reach.

6. Myself

Sometimes, we are our biggest obstacle. We overthink, second-guess, and self-sabotage. It’s not anything else—it’s our own mindset that holds us back. This is why we need a bigger purpose in life, a Why. Learn how to begin developing your why here.

Solution: Practice self-awareness and mindfulness. Notice when your thoughts are steering you off course and refocus on your goals. Surround yourself with positive influences and remind yourself that you have control over your own actions. Start recognizing the environments and people you surround yourself with, are they helping you or hurting you?

7. Remaining Consistent

Consistency is key, but staying consistent is often easier said than done. James Clear, in his book Atomic Habits, emphasizes the importance of small, daily habits. His research shows that those who remain consistent with even the smallest actions are more likely to achieve their goals.

Solution: Focus on daily habits, no matter how small. Even 10 minutes a day dedicated to your goal can compound into major progress over time.

8. Weight & Health

For many, health and weight can become physical and mental roadblocks. Health issues, low energy, or discomfort in your own body can lead to procrastination.

Solution: Incorporate health goals alongside your personal goals. Simple changes in diet and activity can improve your physical and mental energy, making it easier to focus on your bigger goals. Try using a vision board, click here to get started.

9. Not Knowing Where to Begin

Sometimes, the sheer size of a goal can be overwhelming. When you don’t know where to start, it’s easy to just do nothing at all. We get so used to reacting to life that we don’t realize were doing it sometimes. Aren’t you tired of starting over in life? Or tired of guessing and reacting to whatever life throws at you? Take back your habits, thoughts, and behaviors right now!

Solution: Break your goals down into micro-goals. What’s one small action you can take today to move toward your goal? Once you complete that, move on to the next one. Step by step, you’ll build momentum.

10. Constant Worry

Anxiety and constant worry can cloud your ability to think clearly, making it hard to stay focused on your goals. We naturally worry as the laws of human nature describes, pivot that constant worry into a positive-worry. Worry about all the positive outcomes, like how do I want to feel once I do achieve my goal(s).

Solution: Incorporate mindfulness practices, such as meditation or journaling, to manage anxiety and clear your mind. Being present can help you stay focused on what matters most. Try my free journaling course to gain some direction.

Proven Results: From Stuck to Success

A recent study by Dominican University found that people who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them than those who don’t. Additionally, those who shared their progress with a friend or coach were even more likely to succeed. This is why at Mogressive, we emphasize goal-setting as a core part of our life coaching process. When you combine clear, actionable steps with accountability and awareness, the sky’s the limit.

Whether you're aiming to improve your career, relationships, health, or personal development, the tools to succeed are within reach. The first step is understanding the obstacles in your way and using strategies that work for you. There’s a system for everything. Its a matter of finding the right one that compliments your life.

At Mogressive, we’ve helped individuals from all walks of life push past these barriers and unlock their true potential. Don’t wait for the right time—the right time is now.

Take the first step today by visiting our life coaching resources and start your journey toward achieving your goals.


Habits, Thoughts, & Behaviors:


Don’t Let Your Past Hold You Back: Reflect Now to Unlock the Future You Deserve