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Logistical Currency

Game Theory | Human Behavior & Tactics | Win-Win Scenarios

What is Logistical Currency?

Glad you asked! Logistical Currency runs parallel with Game Theory. So, What the heck does that mean!?

  • Simply put, Moving with a purpose & intention based on the “playing field” AKA…Life!

  • This is where we take your Situational Awareness and really inject it with the MOGRESSIVE Sauce! haha.

Remember the game Monopoly or any board game like Chess? Required you to think before you make a move, or how to make the most of one move?

Well, we teach you the fundamental practices to achieve this type of approach towards life and obstacles. Based on your available resources, wether thats in the workplace, home, or out in public.

The Framework

  1. Player(s)

  2. Strategy

  3. Payout

Check out the above picture. What if I told you, I want you to play all these video games with the same approach, or strategy?

How do you think you’ll do?

Would you beat the game?

Would you be stuck on the first level?

Why do you think that is?

Breaking Down Game Theory

We know there are 3 Steps to Logistical Currency

  1. The Player(s) You and/or “them”

  2. The Strategy You’ll be using

  3. The Payout or purpose of why you wish to have or achieve that entity.


First off, acquiring Logistical Currency come from Gratitude, because here at Mogressive we promote “Results run parallel with gratitude”

This isn’t about getting over on someone for personal gain, leaving them out in heat to pass out.

First Example,

Relationships - How many times has the husband/boyfriend gotten that call, Friday night, to come hang with the fellas at the local watering hole (Bar). What do you think is going through his mind, knowing that he really wants to go? We used to call it, “scoring points during the week” taking my gf/wife out during the week, cleaning the house, taking out the trash this first time, watching the kids, sending flowers, things that are out of the ordinary. Then..Friday comes around, time to cash in those points! AKA Welcome to Game Theory..lol

Lets break down this scenario.

Who were the players? You,your partner, the kids, the flower delivery guy, and the friends.

What was the strategy? The weekly “surprises”

The payout? Hanging with the fellas..CHeCK!

Time to turn up your Situational Awareness, in the example above, did you realize he used what was available closest to him? Resourcefulness. Critical Thinking. Self Talk. Confidence. Leadership Qualities. Problem Solving.

Second Example,

Game theory is used extensively in various forms of collective bargaining and negotiations. For instance, during a strike or lockout, unions and management negotiate to raise wages. It is possible to maximize the welfare of both workers and control by using game theory or logistical currency to arrive at the optimal solution, creating a win-win scenario.

Another great book to read, “How to win friends & influence others” - Dale Carnegie

Third Example,

Logistical Currency, are like cards of life you hold in your back pocket (premeditated). At work, They put you in charge of a project, knowingly you can complete this project alone. Now your mind starts running. Where do I start. Strategy.

Using Logistical Currency in this scenario can be used in many different angles or approaches. Pick one and dive right in. If it doesn’t work reaccess, reevaluate, and execute again. Now you have more data to optimize your new game plan or approach.

I would look over the end result of this project and reverse engineer it like our goals. Then I would use the law of association and match certain job requirements with the skill sets of my fellow employees. Then, I would visualize how I would approach that employee, knowingly I need their help. “What’s my in” and “What’s the benefit for him” “How can I get him to say yes, happily.”

Now you have to reflect and pull all your knowledge about him. What does he like or don’t like. Is he over worked or stressed right now” when would be the right time to approach him? in the morning, after work, lunch time, etc.. I think you get the picture.

How about if he had a project last week and you just volunteered to help him in certain areas of the project based on your knowledge and skill sets, without anything in return. Remember I told you that logistical currency runs parallel with gratitude? well this is the prime example. Start doing things for others without the mindset of expecting anything in return. Do it out of the kindness of your heart. But don’t put your guard down completely, otherwise others will take advantage of that sh*t and we don’t want that. Knowing when to play offense and defense is vital everyday.