Multi Hat Method
Creating Self Urgency | Self Growth & Development
Top 4 Hats We Focus on Here at Mogressive Coaching
Situational Awareness
This results in parallel thinking, increased productivity, less adversarial debates and happier, healthier discussion. The hats are a metaphor and used to quickly synchronize the group along a certain line of thinking.
Use as many “Hats” as you need mentally to overcome various conflicts of life.
Communication: Use the law of Neutrality, stay neutral and don’t pick a side. observe and re-access, and then decide if you want to join the conversation with your own opinion in mind. Sometimes its cool to remain neutral, we always want to give our opinion, try listening without responding. Its more difficult that it seems. Great habit to build, especially if you have low patience.
Positivity: Throw that bad boy on! especially if you need a quick shift of the mind or setting. Sometimes things happen to us, because its part of life. Use the law of positivity to create more positive outcomes in your mind. Just shift your thinking to any positive outcomes. This is a cool tool to have in your toolbox, finding positivity in any situation is a gift or talent that can be taught. Once you master this, then you can transfer this “law” and apply it in your daily applications of life. “Finding wins in any scenario, rather then negativity.”
Situational Awareness: Use this Hat, for your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual awareness’s. Wtf!? right? let me explain, Situational Awareness slapped me in the face during my deployment in Afghanistan. I never heard of situational awareness before this, and it changed my life. Use situational awareness on regulating or recognizing your emotional responses or emotional intelligence before reacting publicly. Sometimes we need to put our guard up and need to be aware, maybe were letting an old love partner back in our lives, how about situational awareness during school, work, home, family, friends, business, finance, health, wellness, hiring, interviews, and so forth. Become more aware of YOU! and the things you let into your life, “stop going with the flow”
Ownership: When it comes to motivational speeches, I consciously throw this hat on. I know I have to project confidence, authority, and be engaging without looking or feeling nervous. The multi hat method runs parallel with personas, and this subject is a prime example of that analogy. “Stage presence” so to speak. You can take ownership in every aspect of your life. You don’t have to be confident, just feel confident and the rest will fall in line. Trust me, its easier than said or to be done. Consistency helped me with that and preparing build my confidence, plus rehearsing over and over. Those are a few ways to help build your Ownership hat. Remember nobody can see these hats, so take some mental prep time and think about each individual hats. what color would they be, what type of desing would each hat be. just like taking ownership right? do it with everything!!!
What remains is the essentials. It's one of the best mental models you can use to improve your thinking because the essentials allow you to see where reasoning by analogy might lead you astray.