26 Questions For Growth | Self Awareness

Creative Thinking - Positive Thinking - Good Thoughts

The questions below have been asked/answered by you. Either through our journal prompts, weekly meetings, or Mogressive forms. Reflect back on these questions, and focus on the beginning of your journey. Flow through your mind and navigate back and forth, what have you learned most about yourself and your new realities in this world? Which direction is painting the most-clearer picture? The best part, You already have the confidence and tools to tackle anything life throws at you now…

1. What word would people close to you use to describe you?

This question can generate answers that reveal what type of relationships and friendships a

candidate or customer has with others.

2. What is a question people ask you often?

By asking this question, you can gain an understanding of others' perceptions of a respondent.

3. Who is your hero?

A respondent's answer to this question may reveal more information about their aspirations and

desires in life.

4. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?

By asking this question, you may be able to learn more about a respondent's priorities in life and

how they conceptualize success.

5. How do you deal with failure?

A response to this question can offer insight into a person's ability to overcome obstacles and

learn from challenging experiences.

6. Who are the three people in your life you're closest to?

This question can help probe a respondent's ability to form close relationships with others, such

as friends, family and colleagues.

7. What are you most proud of?

Answers to this question may reveal a respondent's feelings about their life experiences and

what they value most.

8. What do you do with your free time when you have no plans?

This question can gauge how a respondent spends their free time and what their personal

interests might be.

9. What is your greatest personal obstacle?

A response to this question may provide current information about a respondent's personal life

and how they view the challenges they face.

10. What is your favorite place you've ever visited?

By asking this question, you can develop an understanding of what type of environments

respondents prefer.

11. What is your most vivid memory from when you were a child?

This question can allow respondents to offer intimate details about important formative

experiences that inspired growth.

12. What do you think is the most significant issue society is currently facing?

By asking this question, you may be able to determine what a respondent's worldview, morals

and personal beliefs are.

13. If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be?

A response to this question may provide insight into a respondent's insecurities and level of


14. If you discovered something wrong with your car, what would be the first thing you'd do?

This question can probe a respondent's ability to handle tough situations and how they may

approach identifying solutions to the challenges they face.

15. How do you offer sympathy to your friends when they're experiencing life challenges?

This question can evaluate how a respondent relates to others in their life and assess their

capacity for empathy.

16. What do you do to manage stress?

A respondent's answer to this question may reveal whether they've developed healthy coping

mechanisms to handle stress and what type of support they may need to succeed.

17. What was your favorite activity as a child?

By asking this question, you can give a respondent the opportunity to offer information about

positive childhood experiences that may have shaped their personality as an adult.

18. Can you recall the happiest time of your life?

An answer to this question can uncover what a respondent values most in life and how they

cultivate happiness.

19. What is one type of comment you'd never make to another person?

A response to this question may help you understand what type of boundaries a person has and

how they measure appropriate engagement with others.

20. Do you talk to new people at social gatherings or stick with people you know?

This question may gauge whether a respondent is more of an introvert or an extrovert in social


21. When you're assigned a long-term project, do you start right away or wait?

A respondent's answer to this question can provide insight into their work ethic and how they

may approach projects with large scopes.

22. How do you make important decisions?

By asking this question, you can assess whether a respondent can handle time-sensitive or

high-stakes decision-making processes.

23. What type of routine do you follow daily?

A respondent's answer to this question can offer an understanding of how effectively they

distribute their time on a day-to-day basis.

24. What type of social event is your favorite to attend?

By asking this question, you can develop a better idea of a respondent's social preferences and

what activities they see as enjoyable.

25. Do you prefer to read a book or watch a movie?

This question can assess a respondent's preferences for spending time alone or how they might

approach learning new information.

26. Do you believe others generally have good intentions?

A response to this question can reveal whether an individual has a positive outlook on life. In

addition, it can show how they might interact with others on an interpersonal level