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The Thatcher Effect | Brain Stimulation

Brain Stimulation | Self Growth & Development

How does this relate to Goal Setting & Visualization?

The Brain will fill in the missing pieces with or without you. Think negative, expect negative and yes, it works the other way. Positive thinking, visualizing, and self talk all play a factor when goal setting or achieving.

You are filling in the missing imaginary pieces in your head where your brain NORMALLY fills with fear, stress, anxiety, or something negative. Guess what, it pulls all that “data” from your past life experiences and memory. This is where fear comes from, when you don’t have anymore knowledge or information for subject, your brain will automatically use the law of association and link anything from your past to this present situation/time.

The Thatcher Effect confirms that the brain indeed “fills in the gaps” when your logical thinking doesn’t understand or doesn’t know what to link this goal, problem with.

Why is the Thatcher Effect important?

The Thatcher illusion was an important demonstration, because it was one of the first to highlight some of the underlying mechanisms by which our brains process information.

The illusion is what's known as the Thatcher effect, so called after the former British prime minister whose image was first used for the trick, Margaret Thatcher.

Download the Images on the left, rotate them the right-side up and witness the brain confusion and stimulation!

Here’s Another Cool Illusion!

Again, mind playing tricks on you

How to apply Conscious-Imagination through Visualization?

Its time to start visualizing the entire goal, from beginning to end. Just by using your conscious-imagination. Before today, your imagination was taking the wheel so to speak whenever you had low self esteem, low confidence, low morale, low motivation, you get the picture.

Now its time for you to take the wheel and feed your mind exactly what you want it to create. Its like when we make homemade smoothies or protein shakes. You can either buy the smoothies or shakes at the store already blended and ready to go, the downside, Your not 100% sure what’s really in those shakes or smoothies. Kinda like how your imagination would take over for certain situation in your life and it went either good or bad, a flip of the coin. the bottom line, it doesn’t feel great mentally, physically, emotionally to not know what’s behind the door every time your back is against the wall.

What if you make the exact smoothie or shake that you want and want the exact fruits, greens, macros, proteins, carbs, antioxidants, glutamine, and so forth. That just sounds amazing already!

Our minds operate the same way. That’s where your mind pulls stuff from the conscious, unconscious, and subconscious, except now you are aware and you capped it with a filter, monitoring just the good thoughts, emotions, and feelings. You basically created a VIP list and security to monitor your imagination thats “conscious” now, hence, conscious-imagination.

Use these same steps when focusing or thinking about your goals, habits, and daily routines first thing in the morning. Visualize the kind of day, week, month you want to have at home, work, or public. Feed your mind exactly what you want it to see or create. And if your unsure of recognizing how you feel, then detach from the everything and refresh yourself on your Emotional Intelligence.