The Con Man Effect

Using Dark Psychology On Your Mind | Self Growth & Development

Using the Multi Hat Methods tools, such as, Communication, Positivity, Situational Awareness, and Ownership are the Main Factors incorporated with convincing your minds. AKA “Conning” our brains to do exactly what we want it to to, when we don’t want to do it or not quite sure how to.

The good news is you can take advantage of brain chemicals that compel you to “want” and “do” by implementing strategies that play into their power.

Science has shown listening to inspiring audio stimulates your reward circuitry, which leads to the release of a powerful neurochemical cocktail that can jump-start you towards action.

Making your brain wait for more of what it wants helps to strengthen neural habit formation.

Focusing on the enjoyment of the process will inspire you to continue making progress. You don’t stay motivated long term; you stay inspired long term.

How to Con Your Brain?

The latest research shows, on average, it takes 66 days for a habit to become automatic. That’s a little over two months before it becomes a natural part of your daily routine. The problem, once again, is your brain is lazy and doesn’t want to have to work on anything that doesn’t bring instant reward. So how do you delay the reward and still accomplish the goal? Of course, marking off an old-school calendar will still do the trick, but your brain thrives on novelty and fun. So, give it whatever it wants!


When it comes to goals, your brain associates three types of distance: psychological, social, and spatial. You can create greater neural activation around goals by tricking your brain into creating systemic support. A simple strategy is to create an advantage by moving your goal 20% closer. Moving the goal closer requires you figure out what task you’ve already accomplished and check it off as already completed. In other words, never start a goal from scratch. Seeing your goal as if you’re already making progress will light up your reward circuitry and give you a nice hit of dopamine. The sooner your goal is associated with pleasure, the faster you’ll move towards what it takes to achieve it.

However tempting it might be to give up on them. Give these brain hacks a real shot. You’ll be surprised where they take you