From REACTIVE to PROACTIVE - Intentionally Living

 Discover how altering daily habits can pave the way to a fulfilling and intentional life.

We often glide through the days on autopilot, seldom pausing to reflect on the habits that govern our lives. Yet, these daily routines are the invisible architects of our destiny, quietly shaping our path.

Understanding and transforming our habitual behaviors can unlock doors to a more meaningful and intentional existence. This article sheds light on distinguishing between good, bad, and investible habits, and offers a blueprint to nurture a life brimming with intention, purpose, and fulfillment.

Do you know what habits you have? Do you have more good habits or bad habits?

What's that one bad habit that you know, if you quit today, it’ll change the direction of your life?

From the moment you open your eyes in the morning, till you close them at the end of the night. You have to be self-aware, of yourself, your actions, thoughts, assumptions, and especially your daily habits.  

Daily habits are like daily micro goals, “small hinges swing big @ss doors.”

Repeat this affirmation with me:

“Watch your thoughts,for they become your words.

Watch your words for they become your actions.

Watch your actions for they become your habits.

Watch your habits for they become your character. 

Watch your character, for it reveals your self identity.”

What we think, we become. Start focusing on YOU and your daily habits. Build a routine and identify your bad habits. Implement new good habits by replacing bad habits. This is your foundation, take time to really reflect on who you currently are, and set-up good habits that will lead you towards who you really want to become! 

Once you know what you want, it automatically eliminates all the things you don’t want, that eliminates half the worry, half the stress, and opens up new focus found territory. Allowing you to fill that new space in your brain with positive-investable habits; I call it a brain dump. Dump out all those negative thoughts, emotions, and habits. Here’s something you can write in your journals or on a piece of paper, ask yourself these questions:

Am I Proactive or Reactive?

  • Proactive means you are taking initiative everyday, not waiting around to be told what to do. Reactive means, you are reacting to the world around you, follower-not a leader. Playing the guessing game of life.

  1. Do you go with the flow = reactive

  2. Do you grab your phone when you first wake up = reactive

  3. Do I look over my vision board and recite my affirmations = proactive

  4. I spend more time on myself, rather than on friends or family = proactive

  1. How many good vs bad habits do I have (write them out)

    1. Netflix, Social Media, Saying “Yes”, Putting others first = Bad Habits

    2. Micro goals/steps leading towards my short/long term goals = Good Habits

    3. Staying Positive mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually = Good Habits

    4. Looking at the negative side of life = BAD HABIT

  2. Do I have any investible habits?

    1. Morning Routine = Investible habits

    2. Creating positive mindset every morning = Investible Habits

    3. Reassuring my self confidence and self worth = Investible habits

    4. Reflecting for 10 minutes a day about your past and asking “Why” = investible habits

Do I know what High Income Skills/Habits are?

    1. Consistency

    2. Public Communication

    3. Influencing Others, Creating Win-Win Scenarios

    4. Working for something we hate is called stress, something we love…Passion

    5. Planning & Executing

    6. Trusting yourself & Decision Making

    7. Zero tolerance for negativity.

Have I read “the 7 habits of highly successful people” ?

    1. Sharpen the saw. Don’t work yourself to death. Strive for a sustainable lifestyle that affords you time to recuperate, recharge and be effective in the long-term.

    2. Be proactive. You have a natural need to wield influence on the world around you so don’t spend your time just reacting to external events and circumstances. Take charge and assume responsibility for your life. 

    3. Begin with an end in mind. Don’t spend your life working aimlessly, tackling whatever job is at hand. Have a vision for the future and align your actions accordingly to make it into a reality. 

    4. Put first things first. To prioritize your work, focus on what’s important, meaning the things that bring you closer to your vision of the future. Don’t get distracted by urgent but unimportant tasks.

    5. Think win-win. When negotiating with others, don’t try to get the biggest slice of the cake, but rather find a division that is acceptable to all parties. You will still get your fair share, and build strong positive relationships in the process.

    6. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. When someone presents us with a problem, we often jump right to giving a solution. This is a mistake. We should first take time to really listen to the other person and only then make recommendations. 

    7. Synergize. Adopt the guiding principle that in a group, the contributions of many will far exceed those of any individual. This will help you achieve goals you could never have reached on your own.

How do I change bad habits into good or investible habits?

Changing your mindset, perception/outlook on life  = Good Change

Complacency, replacing mediocre words with power words “try to commit”= Good Change

  1. Is procrastination a good or bad habit?

    1. I’ll let you answer this one…

  2. Is Perfectionism a bad or good habit?

    1. I’ll give you a clue, no…lol

In Closing..

Taking a magnifying glass to your daily habits can be a life-altering exercise. It’s a journey from living reactively to creating a life that resonates with your inner core. By recognizing and reshaping your habits, you take the reins of your life into your own hands. As you transition from harmful to beneficial routines, you'll uncover a version of yourself ready to engage with the world in a more meaningful, productive, and joyful manner. So, embrace this voyage of self-discovery, and remember, the transformation of a lifetime begins with the alteration of a single habit.


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