Getting into the Zone: Your Path to Peak Performance

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding that sweet spot often referred to as "getting into the zone" of optimal focus and performance can feel like chasing a mirage; a start line without a finish line.

Yet, with a dash of self-awareness and a sprinkle of trial and error, tapping into this potent state can be within arm’s reach. Whether you’re facing a “dragging” Monday morning, an exciting blind date, prepping for a job interview, or gearing up for a nerve-wracking college exam, the journey to the zone requires a personalized map. 

Don’t worry, I GOT YO 6! as us combat vets would tell another brother or sister in arms.Let's navigate through the realms of finding your groove together–regardless of the current circumstances, situations, or emotional feelings. So get up; stand up for a sec, and put your hands on your waist, head held high, back straight, shoulders broad and wide, and tell yourself this, 

“I’m one badass mofo, the only person/place/or thing holding me back is me! I’m done reacting, guessing, or chasing the world around me, time to make this life bend to my reality, dance to the beat of my drums, the only person i’m impressing from now on is ME!” Remember help only comes, if you start helping yourself first. Write that down too, lol. 

I’ll share a secret with you. As I write this blog, I also like getting into the zone. Here's a song that I'm listening to right now to get myself into the zone. 

Title: Best of Trip-Hop & Downtempo & Hip-Hop Instrumental Vol. 2 Re-Upload

Tuning into Monday Mornings:

Monday mornings can feel like hitting a wall, especially after a weekend of unwinding. However, diving into the week headfirst with a focused mind can set a positive tone for the days to follow. Identifying your Monday morning mojo might entail kick-starting your day with a peppy playlist, a rejuvenating yoga session, or perhaps, a hearty breakfast featuring your favorite avocado toast. This is why I preach so much about self awareness, understanding all the “why’s” about yourself allows you to build the exact gameplan to do whatever your little heart's desire.

So which is it? How do you break free from “the case of the Mondays”. Is it a simple 2 minute plank in the morning, right when getting out of bed? Try it here. I made a cool little video. The best part, only you hold this exact formula to convince yourself to do whatever it is you want. Believe it or not, we're all different.

Navigating the Blind Date Waters:

The butterflies of a blind date often carry the weight of the unknown alongside a stream of hope. Pre-date jitters are a given, yet channeling this energy towards a charismatic presence is where the magic lies. For some, a brief catch-up with a close friend or indulging in a self-affirming pep talk could serve as the key to unlocking a confident demeanor. One question to ask yourself before setting up a blind date is “what are my intentions” is it just to meet new people, make new friends or connections? Maybe a one night stand? I see you lol. Just kidding.

So ask yourself, what are my intentions for even going on a blind date. A quick lesson from coach flo is this, if you’re seeking or searching for a life partner start taking yourself to places that bring natural happiness. Do you like hiking? Go for a hike every other day to a different location. The point I'm trying to make is, the more you surround yourself with all the joys of life that bring you happiness means you are surrounded by other like-minded people! You guys share the same adventures, joys, and happiness. So start taking yourself on these types of journeys. Try reflecting on the things you did as a kid, hobbies you held, passions, and here's an advanced one, think about your weaknesses. Start attacking those by attending online or in person workshops. You’ll be serenaded with other like minded people. It's like learning how to ride a bike again, sometimes we get so caught up with the outside world AKA our egos that we lose our true identities.

Conquering College Exam Anxieties:

The college exam environment is a test of knowledge and composure. Key word, “composure” : how to keep yourself in check in the midst of internal chaos. Employing relaxation techniques such as mindfulness meditation or engaging in group studies with peers can foster a conducive learning environment. Familiarizing oneself with the exam format, sprinkled with mock tests, can also alleviate the pre-exam jitters. While I was in the army, I was in charge and sponsored many soldiers into becoming sergeants, I would hold mock promotion boards after work, test them with questions throughout the day. I would “find” what categories of questions that might be asked on the day of. We would hit 3 main factors, mental, physical, and emotional (composure). The mental was knowing the answers to the questions, the physical was conducting the exact way to march in and out of the promotion board, the proper salute, etc. and the emotional was the vital factor, how to keep your composure while all the top ranking “dogs” would grill these little specialist trying to break them in all 3 categories. I tried eliminating all the surprises or reducing them as much as possible. The results, they all passed and were promoted.

In 2023, popular terms like “burnout,” “adulting,” and “ghosting,” took center stage, but finding your “zone” wasn’t even talked about. It’s about carving a personalized pathway, sprinkled with what makes you tick. I would ask college students, what is it about the exam that brings so much anxiety. “I hate taking exams in front of other students, especially when someone finishes before me, I feel dumb..” I said ok, I asked them, do you always finish first in every aspect of your life? When you go to the gas station pump at the same time as another car, do you try to finish before them? They said, “no” I followed with “why” and they answered by saying, well maybe they weren’t empty and only needed to fuel up halfway, or maybe I have a bigger tank, etc… The point I was bridging to them was that we were all different, we all attack life simultaneously but with our own perception. Maybe it's their first time fueling up and they are taking their time.

Society has taught us to look through life through ONE lens, but it's up to us individually to understand that there are a million different lenses out there! This is where self awareness comes to play. Maybe you have exam anxiety because you were studying with headphones on while listening to your favorite song, can you do that during the exam? Probably not. But you are conditioning your brain to only prep for exams while you have headphones on, or while listening to your favorite music, or laying on your bed. Have you ever asked your teachers for a study guide on what the exam will be? That will dictate how much studying you’ll have to invest in leading to that exam? Have you ever set a reward for after the exam? Have you set a reward for getting the grade you wanted on the exam before? See you really have to take ownership of your lives in every category. Otherwise you’ll still be blaming the outside world for YOUR MISTAKES. Once you remove all the surprises on test day, the more you’ll be in control of your mental health, and especially the test! So take ownership and check yo self! Talk positive to yourself while studying, “You got his coach flo, look at you studying, let's go get a pizza if you do well on this practice test” if not, let's reflect and go over why we didn't do so well. Then we’ll go get that pizza!

And the only way to get over your anxiety, is to stop caring what other people think. Stop focusing on the outside world and tune into your self awareness. The answers are not out there, they lie deep inside of you.

Enjoying a favorite snack can be like a comforting routine that helps get your mind ready for the task at hand. Having a heart-to-heart with someone you trust can ease nerves and get you in the right headspace. Physical activities like yoga or a quick run can clear the mind, making it easier to focus. Practicing mindfulness through meditation or a simple walk outside can be a break from the daily grind, helping to find clarity. Getting into the zone is a personal journey of figuring out what works for you to perform at your best, offering a chance to learn more about yourself and how you work well in different situations.

Mastering the Virtual and In-Person Job Interview Arena:

Stepping into the interviewing arena, be it virtually or in-person, often comes with a blend of anticipation and nerves. It’s a platform where showcasing your skills and aligning with prospective employers' expectations takes center stage. Yet, this is the golden opportunity to tap into your zone, ensuring a performance that’s both authentic and impressive. Here's your first tip, the more prepared you are, the more confident you are, the more job interviews you watch on youtube on the pros/cons the more confident you’ll become. Keep surrounding yourself in this realm leading up to the interview. Write down the outcomes you want after the interview. What salary do you expect? What hours do you want to work? Write down a list of questions you would ask if you were interviewing someone else? Research the company, what's their mission state, who’s the president. What are the company's core values, maybe they don't align to your core values?

Virtual Interviews:

The digital realm brings its set of challenges and advantages. With the right: technological setup, a well-lit, quiet environment, and a stable internet connection are the foundational blocks. Yet, the essence of getting into the zone transcends the screen. Prior to the interview, engage in practices that foster mental clarity and confidence. It could be a brief visualization technique-session, a run through of common interview questions, or even enjoying a favorite tune. Dressing professionally, despite the virtual setting, also aids in mentally preparing for the task at hand. The beauty of virtual interactions is the comfort of familiar surroundings; leverage this to ease into your zone, ready to articulate your value proposition with poise and clarity. Not to mention the pay hasn't ever been this high for the current job market. Don’t forget to ask a friend to give you a prep mock zoom interview. A good friend will alway help to benefit your future.

Whether it’s the digital world or the physical boardroom, each interaction is a learning curve, a step closer towards honing the art of accessing your zone.

Remember, the objective is not just to ace the interview but to represent your authentic self, resonating with the ethos of the organization while staying true to your unique narrative. The zone in this scenario is where preparation meets authenticity, fostering an engagement that’s both meaningful and memorable. Through a blend of meticulous preparation and self-awareness, navigating the interview landscape while in your zone becomes an attainable feat, paving the way for professional endeavors that resonate with your career aspirations.


Brain Power: From Rewiring Mindsets to Mastering Life | Mogressive Coaching


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