Embracing the New American Dream for Millennials & Gen Z

"Knowledge is empowerment; leverage it wisely to secure your family's future."

In today's ever-changing world, the pursuit of the American Dream has taken a new and dynamic form, breaking away from the traditional path to success. Gone are the days when life followed a scripted journey, constrained by societal norms like the Industrial Family model. It is time for millennials and Gen Z to recognize their power of choice and reaction, liberating themselves from these limitations, and forging their own unique paths to success and happiness. Let's embrace the New American Dream and break free from the shackles of old norms.

To escape the trap of mundane routines and perpetual procrastination, one must learn to navigate the intricate game of life. It used to be commonly believed that achieving financial freedom, such as paying off debts like home loans, auto loans, school loans, and bills, was the ultimate goal—the end game. However, I came to realize that this is merely the first step in our journey. The landscape of the American Dream has drastically transformed within a mere decade. The notion of the Industrial Family, comprising a bread-winning father, a caring mother, with children and the classic white picket fence, following a pre-ordained life path of school, job, family, home, retirement, and ultimately passing on the same mentality to the next generation, has lost its hold. Many family traditions, once considered norms, have now become limitations that hinder personal growth and fulfillment.

In this new era, the key lies in recognizing and challenging these inherited limitations, empowering ourselves to embrace change, and pursuing our dreams with passion and determination. By breaking free from the constraints of outdated expectations, we open ourselves to a world of endless possibilities, where success is defined by our individual choices and aspirations. It is time to redefine the American Dream, creating a future that embraces diversity, innovation, and personal freedom, where each person can chart their own course towards a fulfilling and meaningful life.

You have the Power, Choice, and Freedom!

The spike in the women's empowerment movement during the late 60s can be attributed to a significant factor of the widespread use of birth control. With greater control over when and if they would have children, many women were able to break free from traditional roles and enter the workforce instead of being solely occupied with raising children. This was the beginning of the end of the traditional “Industrial Family” As a result, households now have two members contributing to taxes, bringing about changes in the dynamics of society. However, it's essential to note that with the increased use of birth control and the prevalence of store-bought processed foods, there has also been a rise in the link between birth control and cancer. McDonalds have signs posted at the welcome doors, notifying cancerous chemicals are used in their products.

Bounded by societal changes and challenges, you possess two remarkable powers - the power of choice and the power of reaction. These inherent gifts empower you to shape your own destiny, transcending the limitations of fate, unfair circumstances, or restricted information. Embracing these powers allows you to take charge of your life 100%, making decisions that align with your dreams and passions, paving the way for a fulfilling and purposeful life. Not only for you, but for the people you love and for the people you want to create future positive memories with..

With Change - Comes opportunity..

The concept of the American Dream has undergone a radical transformation. No longer is it solely about paying off debts and following a predetermined script. Instead, the new American Dream revolves around the discovery of your purpose, have you ever asked yourself this question? What is my purpose in life?

Exploring new and diverse life experiences, and building a legacy based on your individual core values. Do I have any core values that I stand for? This evolved dream empowers you to embrace life's challenges, unlocking a sense of fulfillment and happiness that comes from living authentically and in alignment with your true self. When we begin focusing on our own self growth development, the ego slowly fades away, the care or worry of what others might think of you also starts to slowly fade away. It's funny because when we begin the self awareness journey, your friends and family start jabbing you with their own insecurities and are scared of your progress. They might have tried to start a business in the past and failed - passing that mentality to the next generation, “why do you want to do that” mentality.. “I’ve tried it and it’s too long of a process - you’re going to fail” here's a secret, all of the “could haves and wannabes all share the same insecurities..” it's a reflection of themselves.

In this dynamic era, the fusion of personal choice and the ability to respond actively to life's circumstances forms the core of a truly enriching and fulfilling journey towards self-discovery and achievement. Embrace the essence of the new American Dream please! where your path to success and happiness is defined by the choices you make and the actions you take in pursuit of your aspirations.

Escaping the Indoor Family Mentality and Embracing Knowledge for Generational Legacy

I'm not here to delve into politics or dictate how you should raise your families, but I do have a thought-provoking question to ask. What kind of footprint do you aspire to leave for yourself in this world? What legacy do you wish to impart to your loved ones when your time comes? Remember, during the eulogy, it's not the amount of money you had that people remember; it's the kind of person you were, the impact you made on their lives.

Let's explore the concept of Duality for a moment, representing the two sides of life. For instance, we have the Outdoor Family and the Indoor Family. As my dad once wisely said, "leaving the house costs money." Embracing this duality means understanding positive stress and negative stress. A simple example of this is having a brand new credit card with a $500 limit. You face two choices - either spending it on weekend entertainment or utilizing it for an investable purchase like a new laptop for education or car maintenance to facilitate work or school commutes. This illustrates the duality of life, where one choice brings about positive stress, fostering personal growth, while the other leads to negative stress.

Here at Mogressive Coaching we emphasize the importance of breaking free from the limitations imposed by the past for our own personal development. It's vital to reject the outdated Industrial Family mentality, which fears taking risks and stepping out of the comfort zone. Similar to the Outdoor Family, who embrace life's adventures, create lasting memories, and forge strong bonds, we must learn to embrace positive stress as a catalyst for growth and progress.

Let’s delve into the significance of embracing knowledge and lifelong learning. In this digital age, information is readily available to all, and it is our responsibility to leverage this wealth of knowledge. For example, educating ourselves about financial freedom, exploring investment opportunities, and understanding the mechanisms of creating generational wealth through family trusts and life insurance policies empowers us to make informed decisions that secure our family's future. I’m not a financial advisor, so tread carefully. But by combining the wisdom of embracing duality, breaking free from limiting mentalities, and harnessing the power of knowledge, we can pave the way towards a fulfilling and impactful life, leaving a lasting legacy that extends far beyond material possessions.

Putting the Armor On

As we delve into the Indoor Family versus the Outdoor Family dynamic, I've observed a distinct difference within each household. The Indoor families often seem to lack core values, moral grounding, and the strong sense of family cohesion. In contrast, the Outdoor families thrive on creating new life experiences, fostering humor and humility, leaving enduring impressions, and sparking curiosity for generations to come.

Checkout this anecdote about a young boy walking and holding his mothers hand on a walk - the little boy see’s a puddle of water approaching, he quickly decides to jump and make the biggest splash possible. The mother quickly yanks the little boy away from the puddle. This illustrates the impact of early experiences on shaping one's future. The choices we make during our formative years significantly influence our confidence, self-esteem, and approach to life. You fall in line later in life, not a leader, not a risk taker - becoming a worker not a free thinker who questions life. John D. Rockefeller, who created the Educational system very famously said, “I don’t want thinkers i want workers”

The "dot com boom" or internet boom in 2000 has leveled the playing field, granting unlimited access to information. Knowledge, once scarce and valuable, is now readily available at the palms of your hands. It is essential to seize the opportunity to educate ourselves

Throughout history, our indigenous ancestors recognized that we are born with two remarkable powers: the power of choice and the power of reaction. These gifts enable us to shape our destinies, control our reactions to the outside world, and exercise control over our minds. Understanding the push/pull method, identifying habits that push us toward desired outcomes and those that pull us back, empowers us to make deliberate choices in life.

As I hike through the redwood landscapes of Boonville, CA, inland-along the California coast, I am reminded of the richness of life experiences that await those who venture into the outdoors. Real-world encounters cultivate confidence and reduce anxiety, providing invaluable fuel for future endeavors. Embracing life's adventures and challenges builds character and resilience, especially in children, who benefit immensely from such experiences. Especially between the early ages of 2-12.

If you're a parent seeking to empower your family, consider joining my 5-day free webinar. These sessions cover essential topics that will equip your loved ones with valuable life skills. Imagine the satisfaction of hearing your family credit you for teaching them how to set and achieve goals, build investable habits, manage time effectively, and boost their confidence to new heights.

Life is a journey of self-discovery and growth. Challenge your current position and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead. Embrace the essence of the New American Dream, where choice, freedom, and meaningful experiences pave the way to success and happiness. Level up yourself, become a role model, and empower your family to stand tall on the foundation of your accomplishments. Together, let's redefine the future for ourselves and generations to come, breaking free from limitations and embracing our true potential. Sign up for our free 5-day webinar and unlock the secrets to a fulfilling life journey. If you can’t make the 1-hour virtual meetings, no problem.. I will personally email you the recordings.

Good luck, Own it!

Here are some quotes from today's article:

  • "Embrace the power of choice and reaction; it holds the key to shaping your destiny."

  • "Break free from the limitations of the past to unlock your true potential for personal growth."

  • "Life's adventures create lasting memories and strong family bonds; step out of your comfort zone."

  • "In the duality of life, positive stress fuels personal development, while negative stress hinders growth."

  • "You are born with the power to choose your path; make decisions that align with your dreams and passions."

  • "Leave a legacy of values, character, and love; for it is who you are that people remember, not your wealth."

  • "Information is abundant; educate yourself and empower your family for generations to come."

  • "Challenge your views on life and seek meaningful experiences that fuel your confidence and resilience."

  • "Redefine the American Dream based on choice, freedom, and purpose, leaving a legacy of progress and fulfillment."


Embracing Forward Thinking: Overcoming Life's Obstacles and Escaping Society's Norms


Sand, Sweat, and Salutes: Lost in the Mojave, A Journey through LA, Laughlin, Flagstaff, and Filled with RV Mishaps, ending with Beers, Shots, and Brotherhood.