Sand, Sweat, and Salutes: Lost in the Mojave, A Journey through LA, Laughlin, Flagstaff, and Filled with RV Mishaps, ending with Beers, Shots, and Brotherhood.
Sometimes life throws you a curveball, and sometimes it feels like life is out to get you.
This journey started in LA, lost in the Mojave Desert, Locked out of my RV in Laughlin, Nevada, and eventually drinking beers, taking shots, with my brothers in Arms at the VFW in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Sometimes life throws you a curveball, and sometimes it feels like life is out to get you. This is a story of how I conquered the challenges that came my way during an incredible 3 Day adventure through the vast Mojave Desert. Buckle up and get ready to join me on a wild ride filled with unexpected twists, camaraderie, and personal triumphs.
Welcome to Victorville: A Rusty Oasis
The VFW Chronicles
The adventure began as I arrived in Victorville, CA a small, quiet town that welcomed me with a rusty sign. My plan was to stay at the local Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) lodge, a place where veterans like me could find solace and connection - Not to mention $15 a night with full RV hookups!. However, there was a hitch—I couldn't reserve a spot because I didn't have my membership number and they wouldn’t allow me to spend the night on their property. Disappointed but determined, I left the small town, but captured a pretty cool video of a massive wind turbine, a symbol of resilience in the face of adversity. Those towering blades seemed to be everywhere these days, especially in the Midwest. I measured one of those blades that was being towed at a rest stop, and it's roughly 6 times the length of my RV (31ft.)
Barstow: Where the Desert Becomes a Playground
The Sand Box
I decided to keep rolling and head to Barstow, or as we military folks affectionately call it, "The Sand Box" or Fort Irwin. Memories flooded my mind as I reminisced about the days when my company trained in the Mojave Desert before our deployment to Afghanistan. I'll never forget the time I had to use a wooden ammo crate as a makeshift toilet seat while ten pairs of eyes watched—those kinds of stories can only happen in the military! So, I thought to myself, "Why not refuel and restock in Barstow? Fill up the water tanks, empty the black and gray tanks, and hit the road again." That was the plan, or so I thought! As I drove into the sunset.
Lost in the Mojave Desert: Detouring through Joshua Tree
Questioning Life!?
Little did I know that fate had a different plan for me. I found myself alone near the tri-state borders of California, Nevada, and Arizona taking an unplanned GPS detour through Joshua Tree, thanks to a navigational blunder. Picture this: me, cruising down a gravel road in the middle of nowhere, with only the moon as my companion. It was eerie, like a scene straight out of the movie "10,000 BC." The moon shone so brightly that I could see the spiky Joshua trees whizzing by as I zoomed along. It reminded me of the importance of using the moon as a guide for navigation, just like the characters in the movie. Talk about being alone with your own thoughts, worries, and fears. What an RV adventure! What some don't realize is you can use these life experiences as fuel to hurdle over the next life obstacle simultaneously building your confidence.
Laughlin: Locked Out of my RV and Desperate
Picture This!
I woke up from a 2 hour power nap, 1 hour outside Laughlin, Nevada at the local “casino/gas station/mcdonalds” and yes they were connected like the las vegas strip hotels. I finally arrived in Laughlin, tired but hopeful. Little did I know that I was about to face my biggest challenge yet—I got locked out of my own RV! Picture this: me, in a white tank top, no shoes, no keys, and the scorching desert sun beating down on me. It was a blistering 99 degrees outside, and inside the RV, it was even hotter without the luxury of air conditioning at 0330 in the morning. Can you imagine my frustration? I was mad at myself, but deep down, I knew it was just another bump on this crazy journey.
Determined to overcome the odds, I came up with a plan. I had to find a way back inside my RV. My mind was spinning with crazy ideas, like climbing onto the roof and breaking in through the useless AC unit that was leaking freon, or even squeezing through a tiny window like Santa Claus. I was running out of creative juice, and desperation was setting in. But then, I spotted a crack in one of the side windows. It was about 17 inches wide and 10 inches tall, and I thought to myself, "Maybe I can yank it open and get back inside." So, I mustered all my strength, gave it a tug, and... voila! The window popped open! I couldn't believe my luck, expecting the window to shatter- I opened my eyes, peered inside, hoping to find the keys and there they were, sitting on the stove. The only problem? I couldn't reach them. One arm was holding me up, and my other arm just couldn't stretch far enough. Talk about frustration! I felt like I was in an episode of a ridiculous reality show.
Hours ticked by as I struggled to figure out a solution. I thought about going into the casino nearby and asking for help, but let's be honest—would anyone in their right mind help a sweaty, half-naked person with a bruised arm at 5 am? It was a long shot, and I wasn't feeling particularly lucky. Just as I was about to give up and accept my fate, another sweaty guy passed by. He looked like he had been through the same kind of ordeal I had. Without saying a word, he understood my predicament and helped lift me high enough to grab the keys. Then, as if our encounter was just another part of a bizarre trip, he went on his way. I don't know if he thought it was real or if he was just caught up in his own world, but one thing was for sure—he saved the day! Walking towards a dark underpass, he disappeared. Just one of those things in life that's out of our control..
Dropping into Arizona’s Golden Valley: A Glimpse of Hope
It’s a Mindset..
A New Day
Full of adrenaline and relief we left laughlin heading towards the Arizona canyons. During my travels, I stumbled upon Golden Valley—a town that could easily be mistaken for a scene from the movie "Tremors." It had everything you needed to survive in the desert—a propane supplier, a gun store, food markets, and community resources. It was missing the 50-foot underground snakes, but you get the picture. As I watched the sunrise over the canyons, the temperature dropped to a pleasant 73 degrees. I rolled down the windows, stretched my arm outside, and took a deep breath. It was a moment of pure bliss, a reminder that no matter how tough things may get, a new day brings new possibilities. The bruises on my left arm served as a reminder that it could have been worse. It could always be worse.. I smiled, put the pedal to the metal, and let the rising sun guide me towards the next adventure.
Finding Brotherhood in Flagstaff: A Haven for Veterans
VFW Post 1709: Where Warriors Unite
July 3rd - Flagstaff, Arizona, became my next destination—an oasis of camaraderie and brotherhood. I sought refuge at VFW Post 1709, nestled against the majestic San Francisco Peaks, an old volcanic mountain range in the norther part of the state. Stepping into the VFW, I instantly felt at home, unlike Victorville. It was like reconnecting with a long-lost family member, picking up where we left off. The conversations flowed effortlessly, the jargon was familiar, and the stories... oh, the stories! I met Vietnam veterans, Iraq veterans, and Korean War veterans. We shared experiences, laughter, and moments of reflection. Not too mention Loki, my service dog was the icebreaker. It was incredible how the bond among military brothers and sisters transcends time and conflicts. The trust we place in each other is unwavering, and the support we offer is immeasurable. You can always count on your fellow veterans to have your back, even with a last minute phone call of desperation.
Fourth of July was a day away and the VFW let me park in the back parking lot next to the railroad tracks. Fortunately for me, the other businesses were closed the next two days and the space was available. Thanks life! As soon as I walked in, I knew this was it. This was the reason for getting lost in the Mojave desert, the reason for delaying my trip in Laughlin, Nevada. If none of those events happened I wouldn’t have called or stayed at this VFW. Timing is everything, working for you or against you, it's a mindset and you have the power to control how to react or respond.
I have to admit, I missed that camaraderie after the army. I chased it for years in the civilian world without realizing I wouldn't ever find it, or so I thought. If you ever need a spike of military brotherhood and trusting brothers, go to your local VFW, they're there watching your six without you even realizing it. I also met veterans who were generational sheepherders in Southern California, over 400 sheep! The best part is he only hires peruvians lol. He was so stoked that I was Peruvian and thriving in life. He gave me a boost of confidence that I lost in laughlin the day before. I also met a force recon Marine who was part of the Tet Offensive! Crazy stories that I’ll keep to myself. I’m not sure about you, but sometimes I keep things to myself that only I want to cherish and remember. We don’t always have to post everything and anything. Food for thought.
Flagstaff will definitely be remembered and revisited in the future. Little off topic, sometimes when I travel I ask myself questions like, “could you start over here in this town?” Flag is definitely a town I see myself starting over again or starting a new chapter in my life. A couple of days later, I had a conversation in Kansas with a retired Navy Chief, “The trust and brotherhood one military brother gives to another is undeniably one of the strongest brotherhoods out there.” I 100% agree. I highly recommend you stop by for a beer or conversation, don’t forget to tip the bar manager, she’s awesome!
Pueblo, Colorado: Where Dreams Take Flight or So I Thought
Uncovering Hidden Treasures in "Undercover Billionaire"
My journey eventually led me to Pueblo, Colorado—the backdrop for the TV show "Undercover Billionaire." This was the place where one of my role models, Grant Cardone, took on the audacious challenge of building a million-dollar business in just 90 days with only $100 in his pocket. I couldn't help but be inspired by his determination and tenacity. Pueblo became a symbol of untapped potential and the power of the human spirit. It was a place where dreams could unfold, and where ordinary people could achieve extraordinary things. Just like Jonah Hill famously said in "Superbad," let's go check out these "warlocks" and see what magic awaits!
I was scared and nervous, not as bad as Laughlin. It was my first time face to face with Cracker Barrel’s manager asking them if I could stay overnight. I heard stories about how certain Cracker Barrels supported overnight stays in their parking lots. I started petting Loki and said, “Loki, this is your time to shine, break the ice for us like in flagstaff ol buddy!” as I fed him a convincing treat.
Long story short, they welcomed us with open arms, but said the owner disapproves of it and let us crash overnight anyways, only to be woken up at 0500 by the owner who stamped a letter of “Get the heck outta my parking lot note or you will be towed” letter. I sat down and ordered dinner as a sign of appreciation. While collecting the bill, I hear a waitress frantically yell, “there's a lockdown at the rides! There are two armed men with AK's. My first thought was rides? Man, this is a small town. Thinking back, the Walmart I stopped at earlier that day makes sense, there were no cashiers, only self checkout with security guards watching your every move lol. No wonder Grant Cardone was skeptical whether or not he could build a million dollar business here. Oh how the adventures just get juicier and juicier.
Reflecting on the Journey: Lessons Learned
As I recount the chapters of this incredible journey, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude and accomplishment. The Mojave Desert taught me valuable lessons about resilience, the power of human connections, and the unyielding spirit within each of us. Life may throw obstacles in our path, but it's how we respond to them that truly matters. Whether it's finding strength in camaraderie, pushing past our limits, or seizing opportunities in unfamiliar territory, we have the power to transform our lives and create extraordinary stories.
So, my fellow adventurers, let the desert winds guide you, and embrace the unknown with open arms.
Remember that life's challenges are merely opportunities in disguise. Together, let's embark on our own journeys, fueled by the belief that anything is possible if we have the courage to chase our dreams. Never Forget, “weaknesses are just unfamiliar strengths.” and the only way to uncover this possibility is to believe in yourself through the power of your mind. If you need help, ask for help. If you can do it, then F$%#@ do it with everything you got!
I’ll leave you with this life lesson quote:
“Irreversible change without regret is cleansing” Own it!