From Crime to Success: John Assaraf's Journey & The Power of C.R.A.P. Boards - Conflict, Resistance, Anxiety, Problems


The John Assaraf Story

I had a crazy dream last night, and it replayed a flash timeline of the last 10 years in one dream, it blew my mind. Could be all these hemi-sync techniques I've been practicing over the years. Anyways, I’ll journal about it later, but it astral projected me towards a memory that I couldn’t help but put into a blog. Here it is. 

In today's complex world, one name stands out as a beacon of inspiration not only for myself but, a testament to the unstoppable human spirit: John Assaraf. John's lifes’ journey ranged from a troubled youth to a visionary leader through the power of persistence, mentorship, and self-belief. I’ve been harping relentlessly about finding a role model, mentor, big brother/sister, someone who you can look up to and compare notes with, so to speak. Well, John Assaraf was/is one of mine. 

My introduction to Mr. Assaraf wasn’t through a handshake, but rather from a documentary called, “The Secret” back in 2012 a few months before joining the military. An old friend of mine kept insisting that I watch this documentary. Finally after a few months I gave it the ol college try and she bought it from iTunes, sat me down, and left me alone for the next hour and a half. I was hooked! Sometimes we don’t listen to our friends for whatever reason but just like John Assaraf, she persisted and it changed my life ever since. I want to dive into the mindset and tribulations of Mr. Assaraf’s life story because sometimes we need to see it, hear it, or feel it to truly understand this thing called life. Let's go. 

Why He Committed Crimes as a Youth and How He Found a Mentor

John Assaraf's early life was marked by hardship and criminal behavior. But what made him turn to crime? Was it his environment, lack of guidance, traumatic childhood experience? or something deeper? John’s first mentor and coach, Alan Brown, said this to him “If you're interested in achieving a goal, you'll only do what's most convenient.”

The key to understanding lies in his surroundings. Born into a tough neighborhood, John lacked proper guidance and fell into the wrong crowd. Crime seemed to be an easy path. But what set him apart was his ability to find a mentor, a man who recognized something special in John and took a minute to change his life forever. This chance encounter led him away from crime and onto a path of self-discovery and success. We all need mentors in various aspects of our lives, and the best part–in this digital age, anyone can become your mentor or role model. Take the time and search online for some who might share similar upbringings or similar past life experiences. “It just takes one man to break out of Plato’s Cave”

How One Man Changed John Assaraf's Life in One Minute

A chance meeting with a wise mentor set John on a new path. The mentor's profound words made John realize the difference between being interested and committed. While interest is casual, commitment means staying true to your goals, no matter the obstacles. 

This realization sparked a fire in John and began a journey that explores forgiveness, family, self-talk, fear, and the power of the mind.

I used to have this habit of using the word, “try” . I'll try to start this goal, I’ll try and make it to class, etc.. This is why words are super super powerful! Replace the word try with commit, “I’ll commit myself to one semester of school regardless of the outcomes”

The Power of Forgiveness and Family

John's path towards success was not only about ambition and goals. It was also about understanding the power of forgiveness and the strength of family ties. By reconciling with his past and embracing his family, he found the support and love that fueled his success. When was the last time you told the people in your life how much they matter to you and you just wanted to let them know that? It might sound uncomfortable to say out loud, but growth and change follows right after this, I know from experience.

Why John Assaraf Believes in Using “Crap Boards”, Accomplishment Boards, Vision Boards

John emphasizes the importance of visualization tools. These boards help focus the mind, recognize accomplishments, and identify challenges. They are a constant reminder of where you are, where you've been, and where you're going. Past, present, and future. 

C.R.A.P. stands for, Conflict + Resistance + Anxiety + Problems

Here’s my understanding of John’s coined term CRAP.

a C.R.A.P. board could be used as a visualization tool to identify and address these four specific areas that often hinder progress and personal growth.


Conflict refers to internal or external struggles that a person may face when pursuing goals. This could be a conflict with others or internal conflict between different values or desires.


Resistance is the pushback or reluctance that a person may feel towards making a change or taking action. It can stem from fear, doubt, or comfort with the status quo.


Anxiety is the feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. It can be paralyzing and prevent a person from taking risks or pursuing opportunities.


Problems represent the tangible obstacles and challenges that stand in the way of achieving goals. They are the real or perceived barriers that need to be overcome.

A C.R.A.P. board could be used to visually represent these four elements, helping individuals recognize and confront the barriers in their path. By identifying and understanding these challenges, a person can create strategies to overcome them and move closer to their goals. It aligns with a proactive approach to personal growth, encouraging introspection, and active problem-solving. It could be a valuable tool in a broader personal development toolkit, complementing other strategies like goal setting, self-talk, and mentorship. 

Hopefully this helps you during your emotional rollercoaster of life. 

Goal Setting vs Goal Achievement & The Laws of Attraction and GOYA

John explains that setting a goal is different from achieving it. The Law of Attraction focuses on what you desire, while the Law of GOYA (Get Off Your A**) emphasizes taking concrete action to realize those desires. It's about blending dreams with hard work. Goes back to my reference of “trying vs committing”

Focusing on Progress Instead of Perfection

John teaches that perfection is a myth. It's also a sign of low emotional intelligence. What matters is progress. Even small steps towards your goal are significant. Here at mogressive coaching, we call it, “finding the win” between step 1 and step 1a there's a win in between that, life is perception, we see exactly what we want to see, it's a matter of what information we are going to feed our brains to interpret this current situation or reality. 

The Neurochemistry of Goal Achievement

Understanding the brain's role in success, John explains how our neurochemistry affects our ability to achieve goals. He emphasizes control over the 'lizard brain' and engaging the 'Einstein part of the brain' through techniques like deep breathing.

Understanding Yourself and Changing Your Story

Your personal story defines you, but it doesn't have to confine you. John's own story of transformation teaches us that we can rewrite our narratives and create a new destiny. I use this quote and exercise on week one with most of my clients, “Your past doesn’t define you, but everything up-til now is your fault. The good the bad and everything in between” it might take a few times repeating this quote to fully understand, but “the win” is there. 

The Importance of Self-Talk and Facing Fear

Positive self-talk is essential for happiness and success. Likewise, John sees fear not as a stop sign but as a "go signal," a challenge to overcome. Fear brings change, and our body’s and minds don’t like change so it’ll fight us every step of the way. Our biology resists change. Recognizing this, John advocates for conscious habit creation to guide us towards our goals. 

The Three Boards: Vision, Accomplish, Crap

These boards are symbolic of John's philosophy. The vision board represents aspirations; the accomplish board celebrates achievements; the crap board confronts challenges.

To close out,

John Assaraf's life is a vibrant tapestry woven from threads of wisdom, resilience, and innovation. His story encourages us to embrace mentorship, face our fears, engage in positive self-talk, and utilize powerful tools like vision boards.

It's a story that resonates with “2012 me” seeking to change, grow, and achieve my dreams. In John's words, “training our brains to become limitless is not just a possibility but a reality waiting to unfold for those willing to take the journey.”

Read my blog about “the 5 regrets of the dying” don’t let this be you. 

So, stop “trying” and commit! Own it! 

As mentioned before, find a mentor that serves your purpose in life. 

Sometimes we need to feel it, hear it, or see it, one of them will wake you up!

Start with a 5 Day Quest with me, I host a webinar once a month building and revealing your foundational model for personal success. Next one begins Sep 11, 2023


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