How people-pleasing ruins your life: It stops Now!

No one loves being in Second Place.

Are you Happy?

Why do we tend to put our lives on hold to please others? or how about putting our lives on hold to work on their goals, dreams, and aspirations.

People without goals, work for people who do! Plain and simple - Reflect on that bro..

I’m happy because I'm focusing 100% on what I want, and not spending a second worrying about how I’m going to get it or not spending a single second on the negative side of life on how its “impossible”. The way you feel internally is how society will react to you externally. I’ve learned, analyzed, and asked-why I do, say, or think a certain way. Once you learn about yourself, then you’ll know what you truly want from the world and life.

Basically I’ve just been taking 100% Ownership of everything I do, say, or am. So that I can’t make any excuse for anything. If I didn’t accomplish a goal or task its because I didn’t make time for it. It is 100% my fault and when you do that, it forces you to check your ego, pride, confidence, and critical thinking. Allowing you to convince yourself to-just do it, think it, or say it!

I have ZERO worries in life, everything is perspective. The way you approach anything in life mentally only has two outcomes, you either convince yourself to do it or you don’t. It starts with changing bad habits or habits that have no value in your daily routine into, an investment habit (Check out “Logistical Currency” Blog post). Every habit-building technique is preparing you for bigger and “Bad-er” habit that’ll constantly push you towards larger life goals. I stopped “Going with the flow” and this is the outcome. Currently in Grad School, starting multiple businesses, attaining realistic and unrealistic goals everyday, and creating passive income/generational wealth! without effort put-forth. Everything is finally happening organically because of all the hard work I put in the last few years.

That’s the vision behind MOGRESSIVE, time, energy, focus, and attention are the 4 pillars for MOGRESSIVE. Sharing this knowledge or way of thinking through methods and techniques that’ll help you get over your fears or break those bad habits, or even allow you to really see who you are and what you’re meant to do with the rest of your life and the best part is everyone wants different things in life. Everyone has passions, aspirations, goals, etc..but only see them as hobbies or temporary success stories because they feel everyone wants the same things in life and that there’s “not enough to go around” (check out “Gratitude runs parallel w/success” Blog)

Start thinking about how you can begin taking back your life NOW, and really think about this quote “Focusing means saying no” saying no to the outside world. Try it! try it for a week! see what happens, what’s the worse that could happen…?

Once you start focusing on yourself and filling in those gaps throughout the day with listening to Mogressive Mindsets Playlists#1-6 (On Spotify) for example lol. Replace Netflix, tv, social media with watching a video on self development or self growth. It leaves no time for distractions. Go watch my YouTube videos on how to create a vision board, start there, but the point is to START! remain consistent even when there’s no progress to show for (Check out “Complacency vs Consistency” blog) to stay motivated.

You have the power, you always had it. The power of choice, the power to choose Yes or No. The power to react to what life throws at you, or you can say f*** you life I run this sh*t here and take that Ownership back!

Stop pleasing other people for temporary gratification. You are just conditioning them to rely on you whenever they need something and conditioning yourself at the same time to drop whatever you are doing to please them..smh Wake Up!! that’s where the quote, “Focusing on you means saying no” Saying no to the outside world, start saying yes to you! you matter to you! and that should be enough. Stop comparing yourself to other people. wondering what they think about you or what your wearing, etc…that’s reacting to life.

Start taking Action and live an Action-filled life! the more you focus on you, the less time you have for distractions trust me… I’ve been there too. Its scary, change is scary for everyone. Just look at this whole covid pandemic.

Our brains are wired to make life simple, easy, and safe. Did you know that your brain is constantly trying to find the easiest way to do everything!? Hence, change is hard. Your brain is trying to tell you, “Hey that’s wayyyy to much work for me, let’s just order door dash, or go back to bed, or start tomorrow” Did you know when you are having a panic attack or anxiety attack the reason you start sweating and heart starts racing is due to the fact your brain thinks its time to protect you so it sends blood super fast to all your muscles and flexes them to act as armor? that’s why self-doubt kills a lot of human dreams. You kill your own dreams without even taking the first step! learn why your brain does that, and you’ll be 10x ahead of all your peers.

I’ll leave you with that, I don’t wanna give away all my secrets,

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