The one “thing” we truly have control over in our individual lives, is the ability to control how we react to the various outputs in life. Bro, its the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways! When I first read that, and looked up the meaning, I was like, “ok Google! I see you” haha.

It’s one of the first steps in recognizing that you have control of your life, and realizing you have true potential.

Our emotional intelligence affects the Quality of our lives, it influences our behaviors and relationships throughout our daily applications of life.

Ol’ boy Kevin Allen said, “What I’ve come to realize is that Emotional Intelligence was the only way I knew how to lead, and is, in my opinion, the only way to inspire real change in our lives, and in the lives of others”

So what does this all mean? Say your at work on a Friday, almost time to get off, and then the “Karen” says, “Hey I need you to come in Saturday” we usually react right away to that in our heads (wtf!?)I’m about to hit up Happy Hour! or a reaction come out verbally. :15 Seconds, it takes :15sec to step back from the situation and use your emotional intelligence. Control your reaction, apply some Emotional Intelligence, and you’ll control the outcomes.

If it was me, I would right away change the negative thoughts that I’m thinking about saying (LOL). Flip the thinking in your head from negative to positive. I would say “sure no problem” because when I changed my emotional negative thoughts to more positive outlooks. I don’t allow my mind to get caught up in the present moment. I’m thinking about the trust, confidence, liability, extra cash, gratitude, expanding my comfort zones at work, reliability, building positive rapport’s with management. Now my mind doesn’t have time to worry, worry about the negative aspects about working on a Saturday because I applied some Emo-Intell (check out Blog, “Logistical Currencies”).

Need a few examples, don’t worry I got-you!

Emotional Intelligence benefits:

Self awareness -> Controls your thinking

Positive Outlooks on life -> Balanced life

Inspirational leader -> Future planning in present moments

Self management -> Practices Honesty

Regulate emotions -> Identifying why/how you reacted

The fact that we have control over our Emotional Intelligence is so cool. We tend to react to whatever life throws at us, but NOW you can “detach” for a second or analyze the situation and come up with a cognitive/logical response. This knowledge will definitely separate you and keep allowing us all to grow individually. Go read my Blog on “Triggers and Stressors” and how they can impact your emotions, ultimately effecting the timeline of achieving your goals.

Next time you want to react to someone else or the “outside world” try to apply Emotional Intelligence, see what happens, what’s the worse thing that could happen? You miss happy hour with your friends and let them down?….when in reality you’re letting yourself down trying to please others.

Don’t live your life trying to fit-in or live for their acceptance, otherwise you’ll die from their rejection. Focus on you! and the rest will fall in-line. I’ve witnessed this in others, and within myself. You can’t help others if you can’t help yourself first. Learned this from my Dad.

Complacency kills…


F*** your Fears! How to overcome struggles in life.


Develop your WHY and How it fuels our lives